Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 3rd Term. Lesson 4. How to hear God speak through the Bible

Scripture: for teacher background:  Mat 4:4; 2 Tim 3:16

Making contact:

When you buy an appliance, a car, a fancy toy, a cell phone or a computer, there is usually a book of instructions.
 These explain how to get the most out of your purchase.
 It’s amazing how many things we don’t know about our machines and appliances. 

When things go wrong, we can follow instructions carefully and sometimes sort things out ourselves. Of course it would be better to have the manufacturer standing next to us all the time, guiding us every step of the way.

God not only gave us a book of instructions, the Bible, but He also comes by His Spirit to help us understand. As we read it, He helps us to understand and to “hear” His voice.

Play Sword drill. Encourage all the children to always bring their Bibles. It is a good habit and they can also join in the game to get to know their Bibles better.

To begin, they all draw their swords – The hold their Bible on its spine up in the air. They don’t move until you say so. Give the book you want them to find or even a specific verse, but just a book is a good place to begin. They then look for it as quickly as possible.

When they have the place they must stand up and if it is a verse the person who found it first must read it. 

Let the slower children find the place and help them. If you rush on they will never catch up. 

Encourage them that they will be good soldiers for Jesus and they need to practice using their weapon.


God not only gave us a book of instructions, the Bible, but He also comes by His Spirit to help us understand. As we read it, He helps us to understand and to “hear” His voice.

How do we begin?
Here are some suggestions to help you.

Use a Bible that is a little easier for children. There is the Good News version and the CEV. – The Contemporary English Version. Use a proper Bible with verses marked out. Very young children can begin with Children’s Bibles but as soon as they are reading quiet well – by 7 or 8 years, let them begin trying a proper Bible.

First pray that God will speak to you through today’s reading. Then read slowly.
You could begin with a Gospel – like Mark’s Gospel and read a paragraph every day.
Read through it twice.

Question Method

Ask these questions:
  1. What do I learn about God/Jesus or the Holy Spirit in this passage?
  2. Is there a warning or command to follow?
  3. Is there a good example or bad example?
  4. What truth am I learning about life?
  5. Is there a promise for me here?
  6. Is there a message for me – something that God is telling me?

Colour Coding
When you read a portion of Scripture, have with you a set of pencil crayons and lightly shade in some of the verses in a specific colour. Work out what the verse is about.

The Bible Study Butterfly

Red –Jesus died for you and saved you and forgave your sins

OrangeThe Holy Spirit lives in your heart and God’s Presence is always with you

Yellow—The light of heaven and the glory of when Jesus is coming again

Green—God tells you how to live

Blue—God gives you wonderful promises

Purple—God warns you of wrong ways

The Notebook Method
In a little notebook, write the date and where the Bible reading is – the reference and then write down what God is saying. Write it like a letter or diary.

Dear ……..
I want you to love your neighbour…………..etc.
You could then put a prayer after that-e.g. Dear Lord, I know you want me to love my neighbour but Tommy is so unkind. Please help me to see the good in him and not answer back.

Reading notes
There are wonderful Bible reading notes.  These little books give you the passage to read and have an explanation and activity.

Begin today. Start a journey of getting to know your Bible. Learn where all the books are.

Here are 2 songs to help learn them. Teachers, give the children rewards when they know these. If they learn them when they are young they will always remember where all the books are and be more versatile with their Bibles.

Books of the New Testament (to the tune – Here we go round the Mulberry Bush)

Matthew, Mark and Luke  and John
Acts and then there`s Romans
First and second Corinthians
D                         G
Galatians and Ephesians

Philippians, Colossians
First and second Thessalonians
First and second Timothy
D                         G
Titus, Philemon, Hebrews

James and first and second Peter
First and second and third John
Jude and then the very last book
D               G
Is the Revelation

Books of the Old Testament (Tune – Did you ever see a Lassie?)

Let us sing the books of Moses,
    of Moses, of Moses
Let us sing the books of Moses
For He wrote the Law:
                 First Genesis,
             Second Exodus,
                Third Leviticus,
              Fourth Numbers
And the fifth is Deuteronomy,
    the last of them all.

Let us sing the books of History,
of History, of History
Let us sing the books of History,
Which tell of the Jews
                    There`s Joshua
                          and Judges
        and the story of Ruth
                         Then 1st and 2nd Samuel
                           and 1st and 2nd Kings
   Then 1st and 2nd Chronicles
      which give us the records,
      Then Ezra, Nehemiah and
       Esther, the Queen.
Let us sing the books of poetry,
 of poetry, of poetry,
Let us sing the books of poetry,
The songs the Jews sang:
                Job, the patient,
                Psalms of David,
      the Proverbs of a wise one
 and then Ecclesiastes
   and the Song of Solomon

Let us sing the major prophets
 major prophets, major prophets,
Let us sing the major prophets,
Who told forth God`s Word:
who wrote Lamentations,
        Then Ezekiel and Daniel who were true to their God

Let us sing the minor prophets,
Minor prophets, minor prophets,
Let us sing the minor prophets
There are 12 of them all:
  Hosea, Joel,Amos, Obadiah,
 Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
  Zephaniah, Haggai,
     Zechariah, Malachi


Your commitment and dedication of reading your Bible yourself will show.
Use the Bible in your lessons. If you often read a verse or show them where something is, they will catch your excitement.

This lesson needs to be caught more than taught and will be on going through all other lessons.

If there is time look up the memory verse each week. That could be the sword drill each week.
You can often play Sword Drill to find books of the Bible in spare time.

Challenge to Mission

Find out about Bible Society and the work it is doing in getting the Bible to every country. If possible get someone from there to come and speak. Find out how far they are in translating the Bible into all the languages in the world.

They have produced a little booklet about a little girl, called Mary Jones who badly wanted her own Bible. It is an inspiring story. This could be used as a holiday lesson for the children.
Do some fundraising for Bible Society.


There is a worksheet with the methods of studying the Bible for the children to try.

Memory Verse

“Look for it as hard as you would for silver or some hidden treasure.” Prov 2:4

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