Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 2. We believe that people have fallen away from God because of sin

 Scripture: for teacher background:  Genesis 3;Romans 3 and 6; Luke 4:1-13

Making contact:

Have a beautiful apple and take a bite in front of the children. Then pretend to see half a worm and dramatically spit out the piece of apple!
Speak about how sad it is when something so perfect is rotten inside. Maybe make a cake that looks beautifully iced but there is cotton wool under the icing to make it look good.


God made a perfect world but something went wrong and it was spoilt. What happened? (The children might come up with the story of Adam and Eve.) 
The first people God made had a perfect world and lived in friendship with God. But one day their greed for power and their disobedience spoilt everything and they and the earth were cursed. 

It is the story of what happens to all people all the time, so we can’t blame Adam and Eve. The same thing would have happened if it were you and I.

Show the children a fork with 3 prongs. You could even give them a plastic fork each to remember the lesson.
What is sin? Sin is disobeying God. We are tempted to sin in 3 ways. –

1. Point to the first prong of the fork. Who spoke to Eve and told her the fruit on that tree looked good and had God really said she couldn’t eat it and she would be like God if she did?
Satan is the Tempter and he still tempts all people today. It is always the same pattern – doesn’t that certain thing LOOK GOOD? FEEL GOOD? Won’t it make us POWERFUL?

Look at how Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness – very similar tactics.
So we need to be aware of that voice whispering into our ears and promising us it will be so nice to steal that money – which no one will know. ……Or to lie………. We all know the tempter’s voice, don’t we?

2. The next way we are tempted is by people and things in the world.
 Other sinners tempt us. There are friends and others always trying to get us to sin. 
We call this worldly temptation. The temptation just to get rich and to have lots of pleasure even if it is bad for us. 
“Come on, don’t be a spoil sport, or a ‘goodie goodie’! Come join us!!!”

We all know what that is like and we need to watch out for people trying to tempt us. 
We need to be careful of worldly possessions- always wanting more and more things. There is also the temptation of alcohol, smoking and drugs and eating too much.

3. The third way is temptation that comes from our own hearts inside us – self.
We cannot blame the devil or the world. 
Because of being born into a sinful world we all have a natural pull towards sin. 
It is like the balls that you bowl with on grass – those big wooden balls go crooked when you roll them. Often a reason to sin just comes up from inside us and we just want to sin. 

Look at a 2-year-old saying “No!” to mommy and stamping that foot. Where did that disobedience come from? Inside.

It is because of all this that Jesus came and died on the cross. 
He has taken away the power of the sin over us. It’s like someone taking away the magnet inside a magnet or whatever is inside a bowling ball to make it go crooked. 
We can live straight lives with Jesus helping us. Jesus not only broke the power of sin on the cross, but He washes us clean and gives us the power to say “No!” to sin.


Next time you want to be naughty, stop and think a bit. Where is the temptation coming from? Is it from Satan, the world or your own heart? What can you do about it? 

Call on your Bouncer – Jesus – He deals with it straight away and you don’t have to sin. Say a quick prayer –“Lord I am feeling the temptation to do the wrong thing. Please help me.”

Remember temptation isn’t a sin. Jesus was tempted and never sinned. 

You can say yes or no to temptation. If you say “Yes” – then the fork goes in and you sin. Satan wins a meal! If you say ‘No!’ then you have resisted and Satan loses.

Challenge to Mission

There are people and even youngsters in jail who have fallen into sin and been caught. 

We have all sinned but they got caught. 
Their sin might be bigger than ours but in God’s eyes all sin is the same. If you break the law by a millimeter or a kilometer, you have still broken the law. 

Find out if you can help these prisoners in any way. They need to hear the Good News about Jesus. There are organizations like Kairos and others that take the message in. Maybe you can do something to help, or if you can’t then say a prayer for these people.


Worksheet: There is a picture to colour and the memory verse and extra Scriptures.

Belief Statement: We believe that people have fallen away from God because of sin

Memory Verse

Resist the devil and he will run away from you.” James 4:7

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