Friday 26 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 6. Bible buddy - Zacchaeus

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 19

Making contact:

Discuss the following with the children:

Have you ever felt the crowd didn’t like you? Maybe you were once in a crowd and you couldn’t see?

Discuss cheating and what we feel about cheats. Do we think Jesus would want to go and visit a cheat?


One day Jesus had to pass through the town called Jericho. There lived a very rich man who was the chief tax collector of the town.

His name was Zacchaeus.

He was very unpopular with the people because although he was Jewish, he collected taxes for the Romans- a sell out!

 He also kept some money for himself. He was a little stingy, unhappy man. He was very eager to see Jesus but couldn’t because of the crowd.

So he climbed a sycamore tree. When Jesus came near the tree He stopped and looked up. He said, “Zacchaeus, come down out of the tree. I want to come and visit you at your house.” 

I think Zack nearly fell out of the tree in shock and delight!

The people weren’t very pleased about this and they grumbled!

Zacchaeus said to Jesus that this day he wanted to give away half of what he owned to the poor and if he had cheated anyone, he would pay them back four times what he took.

Jesus was so pleased with Zacchaeus, and He said: “Today salvation has entered this house. This is a child of Abraham and I came to seek and save lost people like this.”


We can never be too bad for Jesus to love us and save us. We can also show Him that we want help.

Maybe we can also make a fool of ourselves? Would you climb a tree to see Jesus, or walk far, or give up a party, or give up sleep on a Sunday morning?

Some people couldn’t be bothered and they don’t even come to church.

Remember Jesus can always see where you are and if you are unhappy and you hide in a tree or cupboard.  Jesus comes and visits and helps you feel better.

Challenge to Mission

 Sometimes the people who are mean to us or cheating are actually unhappy people who need a friend. 
They definitely need Jesus. Remember a wounded animal hurts others because it is hurting. 

People are like that too.
Maybe as difficult as it is you could show them love and visit them and tell them about Jesus. Maybe salvation will come to their house that day!


Worksheet. There is a word search on the worksheet. The children can use this list of words to tell the story.

Memory Verse

“The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.” Luke 19:10

Have a picture or drawing of a tree and stick the memory verse flashcards in the tree with presstik.
You could go outside to a tree where you have hung the flashcards. The children must get them and read them. 
Be careful with this exercise. It has to be a suitable tree. You could use a pot plant.

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