Wednesday 17 January 2018

Year B. Term 3. Lesson 1. Bible Buddy - Gideon

Scripture: for teacher background:  Judges 6 and 7

Making contact: 

Have a large basin of water and ask for volunteers to come have a drink. Observe how different children/teachers drink.
(Prime one of the teachers beforehand to scoop up water while still standing) 

If possible have a fleece there to show the children what it looks like.


 After the days of Joshua and many wars, the people were living in the Promised Land, but it wasn’t going well. 
They were sinning against God.
So to punish them, God let their enemy, the Midianites rule over them.

The Israelites were hiding in caves. They would try and plant crops, but as soon as the wheat had grown, the Midianites would come and destroy everything. 
They would also take their sheep, cattle and donkeys. 

The people cried out to God for help. God answered them through a prophet and told them that after all He had done for them to rescue them from Egypt and bring them to their own country that all they could do in return was to disobey Him! 

Anyway, God decided to help them out although they didn’t deserve it. He sent an angel to a man named Gideon who was hiding away in a winepress and secretly threshing some wheat.

The angel greeted him – “The Lord is with you, brave and mighty man!” 
He didn’t look very brave and mighty at the time, but God could see his potential. 

The angel told him he had to rescue the people from the Midianites. 
Gideon first wanted proof – he asked the angel to stay and eat with him.

 He put meat in a basket and soup in a pot. The angel touched both with the end of his stick and they burnt up. The angel disappeared. 

Enough proof? Not enough for Gideon. 
He asked God to show him by putting a sheepskin on the ground. He asked that next morning, the dew could be on that, but the ground must be dry. 

Well, the neat morning, there was enough water in the sheepskin to fill a bowl.
Enough proof? No, Gideon asked God to please do it again the other way around – the next morning for the fleece to be dry and the ground wet. And so it was!

So now Gideon was convinced at last.
He got together all the men to fight against the Midianites. God said to him – “You have too many – send the scared ones home."

So 22 000 men went home!

Then God said “You still have too many – take them to the river to drink water and those who get down and drink send home. Keep those who scoop up water with their hands and remain alert."

There were now only 300 in Gideon’s army. 

They really needed a miracle! God had to fight this battle for them.
He did. Gideon divided the men into 3 groups of a hundred in each.

Each man had a trumpet, clay jar with a fire torch in it. 
They surrounded the enemy camp at night and when Gideon shouted and blew his trumpet just after midnight, they all shouted, broke the jars and blew their trumpets. 

The Midianites got such a fright – heard such a noise and saw so much light that they thought a huge army was surrounding them.

 They were terrified and started fighting with each other and running away.
Gideon became the leader, called a Judge at that time in Israel for the next 40 years.


We learn from our Bible buddy Gideon that God does show us He is with us and that God only needs a few brave and willing people to win the battles of life.

 Even the little things we do, like drink water are important to God. 

Don’t be woolly in the head – be clear that God is with you! 

Reading our Bibles every day is like putting out a fleece – because God can show us things in our Bibles.

 Be a Gideon for God.


There are pictures to colour in.
 A popular song to sing is “I’m in the Lord’s army”.

Memory Verse

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.Judges 6:12

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