Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 1st Term Lesson 4. Issac and Rebecca

Scripture: Genesis 24

Outcomes: to understand that God wants to help us make choices about who to marry and what work to do and we need to learn to listen to His guidance.

Making contact:

Blindfold game. The person blindfolded has to guess who the other person is.


Tell the story of how Abraham asked his very dear servant Eliezer to go and find a wife for Isaac from his own relatives. He didn’t want him to marry a wife from this new country because they worshiped idols. He suggested that his brother would have many granddaughters and one might be suitable. So Eliezer took 10 camels loaded with lots of presents and traveled for many days. He waited at the well because he knew the young women came to get water. He prayed that God would guide him to the very girl to be Isaac’s wife. He asked God to show him and that if the girls offered to give his camels water too when he asked her for a drink, that that would be the girl! Just then Rebecca came and that is what happened. When he asked who she was she told him about her family and this was exactly what Abraham had asked for. He went home with her and met the rest of the family and asked if his master’s son might marry Rebecca. He gave them all presents and he gave Rebecca jewelry and he took her back to Isaac to be his wife. Isaac loved her so much.

God is very concerned about who we marry and He wants us to marry someone who also loves and believes in Him. He has told us not to be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14) We all know how difficult it is when not both our parents love Jesus. So we must ask God to find the right person for us, like He guided Eliezer to the right person for Isaac.
So we learn from our Bible buddies Isaac and Rebecca that God wants to help us choose the right person to marry.


Cut out egg shaped papers and write on them a prayer. “Please Lord, will you guide me to the right person to marry one day, someone who also loves you.” Then put these papers in our Bibles, maybe at this story and wait for the prayer to be answered in God’s time  (like an egg will hatch when it is ready.)

Memory Verse: “Do not be yoked together with Unbelievers..
How can right and wrong be partners?
What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

2 Corinthians 6:14

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