Tuesday 16 January 2018

Year B. 2nd Term. Lesson 4. An optional lesson for Mothers' Day

Scripture: for teacher background: John 19:25-27      Luke 2:51,52       Ephesians 6:1,2       1 Samuel chapter 1 and 2:19

Making contact:

Talk about Mother’s day and what the children have already done for their mothers – a card, tea, breakfast, flowers etc


In the Bible there are a few precious stories about mothers. 

Do you remember Hannah, who couldn’t have a baby and then prayed so hard and then Samuel was born. She gave Samuel to God. 
What an amazing mother!!

She must have missed him so much. She did have other children to look after, but when they were all tucked up in bed, she would think about Samuel and sew him a beautiful coat.

 Every year she would go and visit him and take him his new coat. 

He had probably started growing out of the old one. 
Imagine how they must have hugged and talked.

No e-mail and no cell phones to keep in touch in those days.
I am sure that was a very special MOTHER’S DAY for Samuel and his mother every year.

You can see your mommy every day, and often we take this for granted and we not very loving! Mother’s day reminds us to love and honour our mothers. 

But let’s do it every day. I mean, would it be so hard to say, 'I love you mom.' everyday and make just 1 cup of tea a day!!!

I am sure Jesus was like this – a very loving and helpful son. It was Mother’s day every day for Mary.

It was very hard for Mary to watch Jesus dying on the cross and very hard for Jesus to watch Mary crying. 
He did a special thing while He hung there in pain.

 He spoke to his young disciple, John and said "John – see your mother". 
To His mother He said, 'Mother, see your son. '

He gave John His mother and He gave His mother an adopted son to look after. 

Wasn’t that a beautiful thing to do?

Some children don't live with their own mothers because they may have died or their parents got divorced, but in whatever situation we are in - let us imagine Jesus saying - "Child this is now your mother. Love and care for her.'
And Jesus saying to the lady - "Woman, this is now your child. Please take care of them."


How can we really honour our mothers like Jesus did? Is it only to make them a pretty card, buy a gift and make tea? Or is it our daily respect and loving help that really counts?

Let’s also think about Grannies and adopted mothers like Mary. 

Challenge to Mission

Is there somebody you know who hasn’t got any children or grandchildren that you could visit and adopt?


Make Mothers' day cards out of cardboard. Stick a piece of paper on the back that can contain vouchers.

The children can fill in practical ways of showing love to their mothers. E.g. one cup of tea. The mother can then claim from her voucher when she would like a cup of tea.

Write your mother a little letter, telling her you love her and thanking her for all that you do.

There is no worksheet or memory verse for this lesson.

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