Tuesday 16 January 2018

Year B. 2nd Term. Lesson 3. Flags for JESUS

Scripture: for teacher background:  See all the verses on the worksheet.

Making contact:

Discuss flags and their colours and designs. What does the flag of a country do? It helps us feel we belong and we can feel what is called patriotism. Yes, we can sometimes feel proud or ashamed of our country, but we need to pray for our leaders that they follow God's ways.

This lesson does use the South African flag, but you can adapt the lesson to suit your needs. 

For people from other countries, or even South Africans who would rather not do a lesson on the SA flag, talk about flags in general and design a flag for JESUS.

You could base teaching on the song - "Let the flag fly high on the castle of my heart for the  King is in residence here."....

Talk about what it means to be a citizen of a country as well as a citizen of Heaven.


Just as a flag is important to a country because it shows to whom we belong to, as Christians we also have a "flag". We 'show our colours' as to who we belong to. We show by our love and actions that we belong to the Kingdom of heaven - to Jesus our King.

 It isn’t a brightly coloured piece of material waving in the wind. It is in our hearts and our actions that we show our true flag.

In Britain, there is a palace in London called Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives there but also stays in other places. When she is at home in Buckingham palace, the flag flies high so that everyone can see that she is there. When she isn’t home it is low.

If we have invited Jesus into our hearts, it is as if there is a flag flying to show others. This flag is love and all the other wonderful things that Jesus gives to our character. There are things that start to grow in our hearts, like joy, peace patience, kindness etc.

Use the explanations on the flag and the Bible verses to explain how to become a Christian. Explain that we are adapting and making the meaning ourselves. The original colours do not mean this. We have made it special for Christians.

Teachers from other countries can design a flag using colours to represent these Scripture verses. 


This is a very good opportunity to ask if any children have not yet received Jesus in their heart. Ask if they would like to pray now and become Christ followers.

You can be sensitive and see whether it is better for children who would like to, to come afterwards and pray, or to pray right where they are. You need to use wisdom. Ask the Lord to guide you in this very special situation.

 Here is a prayer the children can say after you.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I believe You are the Son of God. I believe you love me so much and that You died on the cross to take away my sins.

I am so sorry for my sins. Please forgive me and wash me clean.

Please come and live in my heart and be my Lord and King.
I want to be your child.

Help me to grow like you and shine for you.

I want to help other people love You too. I want to serve you for the rest of my life.

Thank you for being my Saviour and best Friend.


 Challenge to Mission

The flag is a lovely simple method to explain to family and friends how to become a believing Christian. 
Many people attend church who have never actually made this commitment.


The flag needs to be coloured in. Be sure you know which colour goes where and if possible have a flag for the lesson.

The children can also colour the Scripture page in.

Memory Verse

The children can choose one verse off the flag to learn, if not THEM ALL!

Sin   “Everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving                      presence.” 
            Romans 3:23

 Blood   “The blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purifies us from every sin.”
                                           1 John 1:7

Washing  “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.”   Psalm 51:7

Growth   “Continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord                       and Saviour Jesus Christ.”  2 Peter 3:18

Glory  “All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord...and that same glory, coming from the Lord, transforms us into His likeness in an ever greater degree of glory.”     2 Corinthians 3:18

Promises   “He has given us His very great and precious promises.” 
                                          2 Peter 1:4

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