Sunday, 28 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 11. Bible buddies -The Shepherds

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 2:8-20

Making contact:

Discuss looking after animals. Ask the children if they have ever had a pet and how they looked after it.


God has a lot of time for people who like animals. When He made the earth, He put Adam in charge over the animals.
Adam had to name all of them and rule over them.
Even though the world is different since the fall and the curse, a lot of people are still very good with animals. 
You can often judge a person’s character by how they are with animals. People who kick dogs are really hard-hearted and cruel.

People who look after sheep are very special people. 
It’s a lowly job and done by quite poor people usually. Its long hours. 

You can’t tell the sheep you going to the movies now – who will look after them and keep wolves away and help them not to get caught in thorn bushes or fall down cliffs?

Sheep are very stupid and really need shepherds to guide them.

It was people like this – real salt of the earth people that were chosen by God to be the first to hear the good news about Jesus.

The scribes and Pharisees had been studying for years about where and when the Messiah would come, but God didn’t even bother to tell them or the rich people, but it was the shepherds He chose.

They were outside at night, looking after their sheep, probably feeling a bit sleepy and maybe struggling to stay awake. 

Maybe they took turns to have a sleep, leaning against a tree.
It must have been a huge shock when the angel appeared to them. 

There was a great light. These grown men were so afraid! The angel told them not to be afraid, that he had good news for them. 
He said this news would bring great joy to all people.

 This day, in Bethlehem, the Saviour was born.

He then gave them a clue how to find the baby – in a food trough, manger, wrapped in swaddling cloths.

Then for the first and last time that we’ve heard about in history, a whole army of angels appeared and sang a song to God’s glory.

In the book of Revelation, in his vision, John saw these angels singing. He said there were thousands and millions of them.

How wonderful for these shepherds, just simple working class people to have such a wonderful experience. 

They just left their sheep and rushed of to start looking for this baby. I wonder how long it took to go and look in all the stables in the town of Bethlehem

The town was crowded with all the visitors for the census and maybe other stables and barns were being used for the extra people. 

Eventually they found baby Jesus and they worshiped Him. 
They told Mary and Joseph what the angels had said and then they went back to their sheep.


We learn 2 very important things about these buddies of Jesus.

They really were His buddies. Ordinary people are special to Jesus!

Shepherds got this wonderful message and had the choir of heaven – much grander than all the Olympic openings!

They were obedient and excited. They went to look and they FOUND HIM!

Are we excited about Jesus? Do we obey what the Bible tells us? Do we look further when we can’t find an answer?

Challenge to Mission

 The shepherds received the good news about Jesus and were so excited by this. They told everyone they met. 
Are we excited about Jesus and do we tell others or are we just waiting for Christmas presents?


Worksheet. There are pictures to colour in.
 Another activity is to use old Christmas cards showing the shepherds and making reconditioned cards or a poster.

Memory Verse

"The angels sang: “Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth.” Luke 2:13

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