Monday 15 January 2018

Year A. 4th Term. Lesson 3. The Bible says....evil games and gambling say.

Scripture: for teacher background:  Philippians 4:13 2 Cor 12:9 Zechariah 4:6 Romans 6:11-14; 1 Tim 6:6-14

 Making contact:

Toys are such fun and collecting cards and little things and swapping them at school is also fun. 

Maybe you could play a game with the children where they have to collect a set of 4 things and swop them with each other. You will need to have the correct number of cards for the number of children.

Another way to play is to whisper in their ears which animal they are. Choose different animals that make a noise. Then the children must find the other animals the same as they are and the first group to be together wins.


Unfortunately, not all the things that we can collect in crisp packets, cereal packets and other places are good toys. There are some that we must stay away from.

For example there is one set called the Dragon Bulls and when you have gathered all seven together, the Eternal Dragon is summoned.

Be warned – games like this are not just games, and you might be causing real problems. It has happened in schools that the children got so carried away with these kinds of games that violence broke out.
 Was this just fighting between children that always does happen, or was this bad power coming through these games? 
They really seemed to have power to make children greedy and totally out of control. Many schools had to ban them.

There are also computer games and Play station games that are addictive and very unhealthy.

There is a real enemy on this earth who tries to get children to do bad things. 
He used to be a special angel in Heaven and then he rebelled against God. 

When God threw him out of Heaven he took a third of God’s angels with him. His name is Satan and his angels are demons.

 Even though Jesus has won over him on the cross, he is still trying to trick people so that they don’t follow Jesus.

Ugly things happen on this earth because of him. 
God doesn’t want suffering to happen, but Satan is full of hate and lies and he wants to destroy this world and spite God by destroying God’s people.

Some people pretend he and his demons don’t exist, but if we give him an open door or window, he will come in and mess things up. So the answer is not to give him a chance but to follow Jesus and walk in the light.

The other thing Satan uses is greed and here he hooks people into an activity called gambling. 

People think that by putting in a little bit of money they can win a lot. One way to gamble is by buying Lotto tickets or going to casinos and playing on the machines, or with cards.

This is the dark side of money that leads to greed, vengeance and even to violence.

Now as it happens there is no actual commandment in the Bible that says "Do not not gamble."
However, gambling goes against everything in the Bible. - the Lordship of God, stewardship, 'Do not covet" love for other people, and the warning not to be brought under the power of something other than the Holy Spirit.

Gamblingt is like a disease that you catch like a cold. It is addictive and you can’t get rid of it easily and it brings poverty. Somebody called it “Idiots tax.”

If you had to work out the chances of winning, they are so slight that it is actually even a stupid thing to do with your money. 

The Bible tells us that we must work, and that we must be wise with our money. Gambling is a way of trying to get something without working and it is not a wise thing to do.

People who get hooked spend a lot of time away from their family and this is also bad It is like a drug and helps them forget life.

The worst picture in the Bible is of our Saviour Jesus dying on the cross and what were the soldiers doing? – They gambled for His clothes while he hung there dying. 

I would never want to be found gambling while my Saviour watches with tears running down His face because games like this have destroyed families as people have even sold their children’s clothes to pay their debts. 

Remember that gambling on a computer over the Internet is still gambling!
Gambling is the opposite of trusting God. We pray – “Give us today our daily bread.” Then if we gamble to try and win money we are insulting God and saying we don’t trust Him to give us our daily bread and will try and win it instead.

Many of the electronic games are leading people further and further into a dark world of death and destruction. Some games also are so addictive that children then hardly do homework and eventually can’t sleep.

Ask yourself if you could see Jesus sitting next to you enjoying the game. Whatever we do, we should feel comfortable that He is with us, watching over us.

A concerned mother wrote this:
“All the games the kids are playing now is about death and war.  Then they type in cheat codes and they can't die......... or get extra ammunition. Apparently the terrorist that crashed in the world trade centre also learned to fly and crash a plane from the flight simulator....    scary.”


Don’t gamble even with small things, because this could grow into a bigger addiction later on.

A lot of these toys and games are about who is powerful and who can destroy whom.

 Ask yourself, “Do I want to take part in fun that helps the devil?”

So don’t play with ugly toys and games that pretend to hunt down and hurt. Don’t play with cards that gamble. Before you play anything think and ask yourself if the toys or cards are showing the glory and beauty of God or are they ugly and hateful.  

Challenge to Mission

 You could help the kids at school to play with good toys and play fun and clean games.
Warn them if they are gambling and playing with evil toys and games. Never join them just to keep friends with them.


 There is a worksheet showing that some things trap us like a spider’s web. The children must make a list of good and fun games to play. 
A picture of a boy flying a kite is symbolic of doing everything for God’s glory – rising above the games and gambling that are so bad for us.

Memory Verse

“The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.”
1 Timothy 6:10

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