Monday 15 January 2018

Year A. 4th Term. Lesson 5. The Bible says....The stars say...

Scripture: for teacher background: Genesis 41:15,16; Exodus 7:8-12; Daniel 2:2-23; 4:4-8; Matt 24:29; 1 Peter 1:24,25 Hebrews 12:1,2; Jer 29:11; Isaiah 47:8-15

 Making contact:

Sing the lovely song “He made the stars to shine.” or something similar.
Play a game where you have hidden star shapes. The children must find as many stars as they can.

You can have the memory verse printed out on the back – 1 word on each star.

Do you know the difference between astrology and astronomy?

Astrology is the superstitious study of the stars and astronomy is the scientific study of the stars and the universe.

One of these is okay for Christians and the other is not.


Just as you were looking for the stars, so right through the ages people have been searching for knowledge. 
Some people have looked to the stars in the sky for answers.

Isn’t it strange that they don’t look to the One who made the starts to shine?

Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar and other kings in the Bible had people working for them who studied the stars in the superstitious way and then were supposed to give the king advice.

When Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh these magicians even did some magic, but Moses was able to show that God is the Most powerful God of heaven and earth.

When Nebuchadnezzar had dreams his astrologers couldn’t tell him what they meant but Daniel prayed to God who told him. Daniel said:God reveals deep and hidden things, He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with Him.” Dan 2:22

Some people study the stars and work out your personality according to what star you were born under. 
Stay away from this and not to read the predictions that come from magazines, newspapers, and radio, the Internet or TV. 

God made us all individually, unique and special. (Psalm 139: 14). He has plans for your life and it is much better if you follow Him and look for His guidance than what someone thinks the stars say about you. 

To do this is a sign of a lack of trust in God.
If you think about it – God made the stars and He made you, so it is insulting to go anywhere else for guidance – go to Him.

There is a religion that worships nature and “Mother earth” and even says that natural things ARE God. 
Be careful of anything that makes something that God has made into an idol. Yes we can appreciate the beauty and glorify our Creator who made such beautiful things, but be careful of making created things into gods.

In the old days there were people worshiping the sun god etc. Don’t be drawn into anything similar these days by New Age or anything like that.


 Let us base our lives on the Bible – God’s Word. 

It will stand forever – everything else will fade away. “The grass withers and the flowers fall but the Word of the Lord stands forever.” 1 Peter 1:24,25

Stars will also fall – so don’t depend on them! 
"The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky.” Matt 24:29.

Those who depend on the Lord Jesus will be saved. 

Do not put your trust in astrology. The Bible says to keep our eyes on Jesus. 

Don’t read horoscopes or tarot cards or use charms.

 Don’t go for palm reading about your future and don’t go to seances.

Don’t keep dream catches.

Astrology damages and drains our spiritual life and leads people away from God. If people are interested in all this it shows they are not interested in God.

They are far from Him and trying to get guidance in another way.

Challenge to Mission

There are people out there in the world who go and do all these things because they don’t have Jesus as their friend and their guide – so they turn to false guidance, which is dangerous and full of lies. 

If you don’t tell them about Jesus they might never hear about how He came to save them and how much He loves them and wants to be their friend and guide. 

Plead with them not to go to any one else for guidance except Jesus and His Word.


The worksheet has zodiac signs and a picture that shows how confusing it is to try and follow the stars. 

The Bible has one clear path. God's children must not rely on the stars but be a star. 
There is a place to write down how they can BE stars.

Memory Verse

“I know the plans I have for you, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11     

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