Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 1st Term. Lesson 9. Joshua

Scripture: for teacher background:  Joshua 1,6, 21:43-45 23,24

Making contact:
Talk about the Olympic games and how the teams march around the stadium at the opening ceremony with their flags. Sing a song and walk around the meeting place and proclaim that Jesus is the King. Explain how during the apartheid violence Christians did this in one particular location and the entire killing stopped. We can do this at home and school. As we walk we are to ask Jesus to be Lord of the territory and bring peace.

 Tell the story of how Joshua took over as leader at the edge of the Promised Land. God promised him that he would always be with him and that he must be courageous. 
The river was in full flood, but when the priests stepped in to the river it stopped flowing and all the people crossed over. 
They set up 12 stones as a memorial and set up camp near Jericho. God told Joshua how to fight against Jericho
The people were to march around the city walls once every day for 6 days. On the 7th day, they were to march around 7 times while the priests blew on their trumpets.
 Then they were to give a loud shout. 
They did this and as they shouted, the walls fell down and they conquered Jericho
The next city they fought was called Ai, but Achan disobeyed God and because of him they lost the battle. 
They learnt that God was serious about them obeying Him and they defeated many enemies. By the end of Joshua’s life they owned many cities and lots of the land. God had kept all His promises to Joshua. 
Now as an old man Joshua pleaded with the people to always obey God and all His laws and to choose to serve God sincerely and faithfully and not to have any foreign gods.

Our Bible Buddy Joshua obeyed and trusted God. He was very courageous and faced many battles. He knew that God was much stronger than any enemy and with God’s help any walls could fall down. Ask the children if there are walls that need to fall down inside their hearts. Maybe they hate somebody or a group of people, maybe there are walls between family members or other people. They can march around these walls in prayer every day and they will come tumbling down with God’s help.


There is a picture to colour in and a puzzle – stones with the words of God’s promise to Joshua. The children fill in the answers underneath the pictures reading the code A1 B4 etc to get the words in the right order.
Instead of at the beginning, a prayer walk could be done at the end, singing a song like “Walk in the light.”

Memory Verse

“Don’t be afraid or discouraged for I the Lord am with you.
Joshua 1:9

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