Tuesday 16 January 2018

Year B. 2nd Term. Lesson 5. A lesson on John Wesley and revival

Scripture: for teacher background:  Rev 3:15-20   Hebrews 4:12 1 Timothy 4:12-16  2 Timothy 1:6,7

Making contact:

Make a cup of tea or coffee in front of the children using cold water. It doesn’t look very nice and tastes terrible – ask for volunteers to taste it.


Aldersgate is the name of a street in London, England.
One day a man went to a meeting there. His name was John Wesley. 

He was an Anglican minister who had tried to be a missionary but failed and was really struggling with his life. 

When he was growing up his mother,Susanna Wesley, used to spend lots of time praying for her children.
God heard her prayers.

John tried so hard to be a good Christian, but he was so unhappy. Well on 24th May 1738 at that meeting John attended in Aldersgate Street someone was reading notes about the Bible and a wonderful thing happened. 

His heart went all warm. It was like God lit a flame in his heart. He said now he knew for sure that he was God’s child. His heart was on fire for Jesus.

It was like he was that cold coffee and then he found the kettle!

He couldn’t wait to get back into pulpits to preach, but the people didn’t care about his beliefs and they asked him not to preach there. They were like cold coffee!

They didn't like how excited he was about Jesus!

So he preached anywhere he could, mostly outside in market places and under trees and on hillsides and anywhere he could gather people to listen. 

He took his brother with him who was just as on fire as he was and they would go into the poor areas and sing and then he would announce that later he would be back to preach. 

Thousands of people gathered to hear him preach and many, many people gave their hearts to Jesus and turned from all their wicked sin.

He taught them how to live holy lives, moving away from sin and becoming more like Jesus.
He started small groups where they could talk about their faith and how they were living.

 He rode his horse all over England and preached thousands of sermons. Many people became Christians. 

His brother wrote thousands of songs that the people could sing about Jesus. They were mostly illiterate, they couldn’t write or read, so the songs taught them all about Jesus and what they believed. It was like singing the Bible!

John Wesley also visited prisons and helped start schools for children. He organized free clinics to help the poor with medicine and also organized trade unions for abused workers and a home for the homeless. He fought slavery and wrote a simple dictionary for the poor.

He got other people to preach as well, part time – he called them local preachers and he trained them. He preached for 50 years and eventually died in London at the age of 87.

You can go to his home in London – there is a church next door and a museum and you can find out much more about John Wesley – the little man with such a big heart and so on fire for Jesus that he changed a whole country.


Be on fire for God and ask Him to use you. Don’t be a cold coffee Christian. Ask God to plug you in like a kettle and fill you with His Holy Spirit.

It just takes one person like this to start a revival for God. Be grateful for praying parents.

 Challenge to Mission

Bring a friend to Sunday school to hear the Good News that Jesus loves them.


The worksheet shows pictures of John Wesley, the kettle and “cold cup of coffee”! It also gives the date of his heart-warming experience.

Memory Verse:

2 Timothy 1:6 “Fan into flame the gift of God.”

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