Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 5 We believe we are being changed to be more like Jesus

Scripture: for teacher background: 2 Cor 2:14-16, 2 Cor 3:18  Romans 12:2

Making contact:
Talk about different smells – good ones and bad ones.

You could play a game where you have containers with different things and blind fold the children and then they come up and smell them and try and identify them. E.g. marmite, peanut butter, tomato sauce, after-shave, vinegar, coffee, detergent……………

Another idea is to have incense burning or have a lovely vase of sweet smelling flowers.
Also in the class have a dustbin.


Have you ever had a rat die somewhere in your house and you smelled a terrible smell? The smell of potatoes rotting is also a terrible smell. It is the smell of death. 

If you ever tried to keep a dead animal you would know how awful the smell of death is.

The Bible tells us that before Jesus forgives our sins and washes us, before we are saved, that we are to God the smell of death.

 He says we were dead in our sins and Jesus came to die on the cross to save us and make us alive with Him. Even though people seem alive and are walking around, if they don’t believe in Jesus, they smell like death to God.

“In the past you were spiritually dead because of your disobedience and sins.” (Eph 2:1)

Things that are dead like rotten potatoes we throw in a dustbin – so you could say that before we become Christians we are very much like dustbins. 

We are full of death and rubbish.
Jesus died on the cross and something wonderful happens – if we accept His free gift, we can be changed to be like Him. We can change from a dustbin in to a vase of flowers.

This change happens instantly in some ways and gradually in other ways.

We don’t become perfect, beautiful people over night. 
The Bible says we are being changed from one degree to the next. Some of the change is gradual, just like a fruit tree takes a while to bear fruit and the fruit takes a while to get ripe, so the fruit of the Spirit begins to grow in us.

We need to allow Jesus the Gardener to weed the bad thoughts that pop into our heads and wash out our mouths with the hurtful things we say every day. Gradually each day we become to look more like Jesus.

It is like a street orphan coming and living in a beautiful home. Yes, he is saved and washed, but now the bad habits from the street need to slowly be changed until he looks and speaks like a beautiful family member.

I know of new Christians who still swore and did other very hurtful things, but as God worked in their lives and they read their Bibles, prayed and mixed with wonderful Christians, those bad things started dropping off their lives and they became more and more like Jesus every day.

Even if we have followed Jesus for many years, we still have a lot of changing and a lot of growing to do.


 What do we smell like to God? If we haven’t asked Jesus to be our Saviour, then I am afraid we stink. Come to Jesus today and change into a sweet smelling gift to Him and the world. 

If we are Christians already, then we need to allow God to change us every day to be like Jesus.
We often learn about the fruit of the Spirit because it is so important. 

That is how we should be smelling – beautiful fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, humility and self-control. (Gal 5:22)

“In everything we do we show that we are God’s servants………by our purity, knowledge, patience and kindness we have shown ourselves to be God’s servants.” 2 Cor 6:5,6

Challenge to Mission 

We can’t go and be missionaries if we smell of sin. We will put people off and they will say – “Look at those Christians! 
They are so awful!” Let us be careful that we smell good and are letting God change us. Then even without a word we can attract people to Jesus.
(1 Peter 3:2-4)


The worksheet has a picture of a bin and a vase of flowers to summarize the lesson.

Belief Statement:

We believe we are being changed to be more like Jesus

Memory Verse
(Write these words on pictures of flowers and fruit.)

“For we are like a sweet smelling incense offered by Christ to God.” 2 Cor 2:15

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