Saturday 20 January 2018

Year B. Term 3. Lesson 4. Bible Buddy - Samuel

 Scripture: for teacher background:  1 Samuel 1-3

Making contact: 

Play “Broken telephone.” Pass on a message by whispering in the child’s ear. They then pass it on. See if the message comes out correctly at the end.


Our story comes after many judges had ruled Israel and there had been a circle of disobedience and then rescue by God. 

There was a woman named Hannah, who had no children. People mocked her and she cried before God.

One day she was at the Tabernacle praying She promised God that if he gave her a child she would dedicate him to God. The priest Eli thought she was drunk because she was crying and praying.

When she explained her problem he spoke kindly to her and prayed that God would hear her prayer. Her prayer was answered and Samuel was born.

 As soon as Samuel was old enough Hannah took him to live at the Tabernacle to help Eli the priest. Each year Hannah would make a robe for Samuel. She had 3 more sons and 2 daughters. 
Samuel grew up serving the Lord.

One night, he thought Eli was calling him and he ran to answer him. This happened three times and  Eli realized that God was calling Samuel so he told him to answer: “Yes Lord, your servant is listening.” 

God answered Samuel and told him how wicked Eli’s sons were and what was going to happen to them. They weren’t fit to be priests in the Tabernacle.

This was a difficult message. Samuel became the priest and prophet and was a great man of God. He was also the Judge and leader of Israel for a long time. He gave many messages to the people from God.


This Bible buddy was a good example. 
From a little boy Samuel served God and learned to hear God’s voice. 

You children are young, but God loves you so much and wants you to serve Him. 
What can you do in the church and at home to serve God?

 It is wonderful to hear God speak and today He still speaks – maybe not in a loud voice, but if you listen you will hear Him speak in your heart and mind and conscience. 

As you read your Bible and come to church God speaks to you.


Spend a couple of minutes in quiet and ask God to speak in our hearts.
There are pictures to colour in.

Memory Verse

"The LORD came and called as before, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel replied, "Speak, your servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10

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