Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 1st Term. Lesson 2: Noah

Scripture:  For teacher background reading – Genesis 6-9

Outcomes: to understand how Jesus can rescue us from our sin, if we listen to God, like Noah did, and not to worry if others laugh at us now.

Making contact: Give out pieces of paper with animal names on or whisper in their ears what animal they are. There must be 2 of each kind. The children must make the noise of their animal and try to find their partner. When they have found their partner they quickly sit down.


Tell the story of how the earth was so wicked and God wanted to destroy it, but how He found that Noah was good. He then told Noah to build a very big boat. He gave him the measurements and the instructions. It was 133 meters long and 22 metres wide and 13 meters high. Compare this to something the children understand – so many soccer fields or from here to there! It took a long time for Noah and his 3 sons to build. Can you imagine how the wicked people laughed at Noah – there was no sea or lake for this boat. It had never rained before; there was water above the sky that kept the water moist. In those days people lived a lot longer. This ark took a hundred and twenty years to build. Noah tried to warn the people, but they didn’t listen when he warned them that they would die if they didn’t come in the boat. Well next, he collected lots of animals – 2 of every kind and extras of the clean animals, which were allowed to be eaten. When the animals and Noah and his wife and his 3 sons and their wives were inside, God shut the door and a week later it started to rain, all that water above the sky came down. It kept coming for 40 days. The whole earth was covered. It took such a long time for the water to go down that they were in this ark for a year. Noah had to let birds out to test if they could go outside, because he couldn’t see, as there weren’t windows in the side. God didn’t want him to see all the wicked people drowning.
Noah built an altar and sacrificed animals and gave thanks. God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never again destroy the earth by a flood like that.

We need to take seriously the offer of salvation by Jesus, because it will be too late one day if we don’t. Just as the ark saved Noah and his family and those animals, so Jesus saves us if we believe that He is God’s Son and that He died for our sins. We have a choice like those people who didn’t listen; we must decide whether to listen. People will laugh at us and think that nothing bad is coming. But like that rain that fell, one-day God’s judgement will fall and only those safe in Jesus will be saved.
SO our Bible buddy Noah teaches us that we need to listen to God and He will save us and we don’t have to worry if people laugh at us.


There is an activity sheet to colour in. There is also a sheet to cut and fold to make a card. When you open the card, the ark stands out. This has “JESUS SAVES” written on the side of the ark.”
A word search could be made. Draw a simple ark and then write lots of words from the story, or the names of animals all written next to each other without spaces. The children must then see how many words they can find.

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:13

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