Sunday 28 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 8. Bible buddy- Centurion

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 8:5-13

Making contact:

Play “Simon says” 
In this game you, the teacher, say to the children: “Simon says Salute!” 
Then the children must salute. 

Give various instructions like this, keeping to the soldier theme.
When you just say “Salute!”, without saying “Simon says” then the children mustn’t listen.

They must only follow instructions when they hear – “Simon says:”


Play sword drill.
The children hold their Bibles up and you call out a book or a verse and then they race to find it first.
This is a good game to play regularly if you have time before or after lessons.

Suggested Song

I’m in the Lord’s army


Jesus came to a town called Capernaum and a Roman Centurion, a soldier, came to Him to ask for help. 
His servant was at home sick, unable to move and suffering terribly.

Jesus said He would go to the house to make the servant well. The centurion said no, he didn’t deserve Jesus to come to his house. 

He said “Just give the order and my servant will get well. I, too, am a man under the authority and I have soldiers under me. If I give an order to go, they go and if I say: “Come”, they come. If I say: “Do this”, they do it and “Do that” they do it. So just say the word and my servant will be well.”

Jesus was so impressed. 
This man wasn’t Jewish, he was Roman, yet he had more faith than God’s people. 

Jesus said to him – “I have never found anyone in Israel with faith like this. Go home and what you believe will be done for you.” 

The servant was healed at that moment.


 How much faith do we have? 

Do we realize who Jesus is? 
 He spoke and galaxies were created. When He made the sea He gave the command and the sea stayed where it was. 
When He spoke healing, people were healed. 

Jesus has authority and we must remember that and we need to honour Him, respect, obey and trust Him more.

Who wants to be a soldier for Jesus and be in His army? 

We can help Him push back the kingdom of darkness and spread the Kingdom of light, because Jesus has said we can use His authority and say things in His name.
So we pray in Jesus name and when we are facing an enemy we can command them to leave us alone in Jesus name!

In an awful situation we may find ourselves in we can say: "Lord Jesus take control."

Challenge to Mission

Find out your marching orders. 
If you are a soldier in God’s army, He has work for you to do. 

Put on your armour as Ephesians 6 teaches us and be a good soldier for Jesus.
You can explain briefly what this spiritual armour is.


 Worksheet. The children can fill in what each piece of the soldier’s armour is.

Memory Verse

“Put on God’s armour now. You will be able to resist the enemy’s attacks and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground.” Ephesians 6:13

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