Monday 15 January 2018

Year A. 4th Term. Lesson 12. The Bible says...Religious tolerance says...

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 11:14-23; Matthew 7:13-27; 1 Cor 10: 23, 31-33; Gal 6: 1-10; 1 Peter 2:9,10; John 14: 6-9; Romans 10:8-10; Acts 4:12

Making contact:

Ask the class if they know what our country’s constitution is all about (what it is, what it’s for). Ask them if they can call out any of the rights mentioned in the constitution.

 Start them off by giving an example e.g. we all have a right to education, we all have a right to food and shelter… 
Once you are sure that they understand the function of our constitution explain that all people have a right to practice whichever religion they prefer.


Although our constitution was designed to accommodate as many people as possible so that everyone could be included in our democratic country, it’s important for God’s children to understand that because they have been rescued by God from darkness and brought into His own marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9) it’s not necessary for them to seek any other religions or any other kind of “truth”. 

The Bible teaches that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) - the only way. Indeed, He is the Messiah – our Saviour.

Although modern society says everyone is free to follow their own way and worship whichever god they please, the Bible says, “We are allowed to do anything, so they say. That is true but not everything is good.” (1 Cor 10:23)

Now that we are walking in the light God says we must only side with Jesus. Jesus told the disciples, Anyone who is not for Me is really against me; anyone who does not help Me gather is really scattering.” (Luke 11:23)

Many people also think that all the religions all worship our God but it’s not true, we worship God who is the Holy Trinity (God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit); we call Him the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
We know our God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Any religion that does not bow down to the name of Jesus Christ is false.
They are saying Jesus is not God and that His death on the cross and resurrection means nothing.
You will see that they all avoid Jesus. They don't like talking about Him and they are not happy it you talk about Him. 

Modern society says people can do whatever they feel like doing, as long as it feels good, they can even think of themselves as God but this is hurtful to God. 

The Bible says, “If he sows in the field of his natural desires, from it he will gather the harvest of death; if he sows in the field of the spirit, from the Spirit he will gather the harvest of eternal life."(Gal 6: 8)    

Jesus said: "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." Luke 9:26

So it you go to a meeting and they ask you not to mention the name of Jesus and not to pray in His name, then you need to leave. To stay is to DENY JESUS. 


Although it’s okay to have friends who belong to different religions and to respect them as people it’s very important not to go to their churches, we should never also join in their practices or rituals.

Simply say “No thanks” and go and sit somewhere else until they are finished. This is because we must only do those things that Jesus did. 

Matthew 7:21 warns us that “Not every one that calls me “Lord, Lord”, will enter the Kingdom of heaven; but only those that do what my Father in heaven wants them to do.”

Challenge to Mission

Our constitution is great because it says we have the right to many things that most people didn’t have the right to in the olden days but we have to take responsibility for these rights. 

For example we have the right to freedom of speech but we shouldn’t use that right to gossip or say hurtful things to people. 

We have the right to worship Jesus but we don't have to join in with other religions. We do need to respect them as people. 

Think about the other rights and the responsibilities they come with.  


Prepare the class to write a joint letter to God thanking Him for blessing us with a democratic country and constitution but especially for blessing us with knowledge of truth through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

If the children can’t write yet you can write their contributions down and compile it later. If the kids can write, ask them to sit in a circle and each adds a sentence or a few words to the letter as it goes round the class. 

Perhaps the class would like it if the letter were read to the congregation on the following Sunday?

The worksheet shows that Jesus is the only way to salvation. He is the only One who reaches out to rescue us. There is no other Saviour. 

All roads of religion do not lead to God, however sincere.

Memory Verse

“Salvation is to be found through Jesus alone. In all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us.” Acts 4:12

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