Saturday 20 January 2018

Year B. 3rd Term. Lesson 7. Bible Buddy - Solomon

Scripture: for teacher background:  1 Kings 3, 6,10 2   Chronicles 5

Making contact: 

Making choices – ask the children if they find it difficult to choose which sweet to have or which ride to go on.

You could hand out a sweet where there are 2 kinds and they have to choose. 

Today’s story is about a man who made a good choice.


The story can be told using puppets or act it out with children.

The story: After King David died, one of his sons called Solomon became king. One night when he was sleeping something wonderful happened. 

God spoke to him and asked him what he would like God to give him. He could have said lots of riches and land, but he didn’t. 

He asked God for wisdom. God said he would make him the wisest man that ever lived and give him lots of riches and honour.

Here is an example of how he could sort out a problem with his wisdom. One day 2 ladies who lived in the same house came to him. They both had a baby, but the one baby died.
Now the one lady said that the other lady stole her baby. 
They argued about whose baby it was. 
King Solomon had a wise idea. He said – “Cut the baby in half and you can both have half. 

The idea of seeing her baby dying was too much for the true mother and she cried: “No! Rather let her have him!”
The other mother said “Yes, cut him in half.” Solomon then said, “Now we know who the true mother is – give her the child.”

Solomon built the temple that David dreamed about and had planned. 

It was beautiful. It took 7 years to build. The huge stones were prepared at the quarry, so that there was no noise at the temple. 

Cedar wood was used and the inside of the temple was covered in gold, all decorated with gold carvings and precious stones. 
There were gold lamp stands and bowls.

At the service of dedication, the glory of the Lord came down with such a dazzling light that the priests couldn’t continue the service.

Solomon also built himself a palace, which took 13 years to build. He rebuilt cities and the people had to work hard for him and pay a lot of tax.

The queen of Sheba heard all about Solomon and came to visit him. She brought him camels loaded with spices, jewels and gold. 
She tested him with difficult questions and after listening to him and seeing all he had done she was very impressed and praised God.

Even the cups Solomon drank out of were made of gold and silver was not considered valuable. 
He had 1400 chariots and a fleet of ships, which returned with gold, silver and ivory. 

His shields were even covered with gold. He had a large throne covered with ivory and gold.

 He imported horses from all over the world. Other kings consulted Solomon for advice and gave him presents. He was king for 40 years. 

His downfall was women – he loved foreign women and he married 700 princesses and had 300 concubines. They made him turn away from God and he worshiped foreign gods. 

He sinned against God and set up places to worship Chemosh, the god of Moab. Because of this, the future of Israel was in trouble.


What we learn from this Bible buddy is that he started off well, asking God for wisdom, but then he let his riches and his love for foreign women pull him away from God. 

He did not use the wisdom God had given him to live his own life.

He fell out of love with God. 

This is like the parable of the seeds that started growing on rocky ground and among the weeds and the plants got choked and died. We must always put God first and be very careful not to love money and other things more than God.


There are pictures to colour in. 
Find songs to sing about putting God first and not worshiping foreign gods. 

The children could make a poster together where they find pictures in magazines showing riches and beautiful women and depict how these things can pull our hearts away from God.

They could draw a heart, which is cluttered with these pictures, and then a white heart with the cross in it to show how God should be our first love.

Memory Verse

 "Lord God, give me the wisdom and knowledge I need to rule over these people. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule?”
 2 Chronicles 1:10

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