Monday 15 January 2018

Year B. 1st term. Lesson 9. JESUS SERIES. Powerful Jesus

 Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 8:40-56; Mark 4:35-42; Matt 8:23-27

Making contact:

If you didn’t use the illustration last week of water and things that float and sink – it would fit in well with this lesson as a lead into it and consolidation from last week’s lesson.


Play a game of “touches”. (This is a running catch game where the person “ON” has to merely touch a child and they are then caught!) Explain how just touching the person changes their condition. They are caught. Tell the children that someone touched Jesus once and they were never the same again!


Play the game Simon says. If you say Simon says Raise your hands then they children must do that. But if you just say, Raise your hands then they musn't move. Those who do must sit down.
Talk about the difference - Simon says - he has authority!


One time when crossing Lake Galilee there was a terrible storm and the waves where coming right over the boat and these experienced, young, strong fishermen were terrified and thought they were all going to die. 
It must have been the worst storm they had ever experienced. But Jesus wasn't at all concerned and was fast asleep.
So they woke Him up in their despair. So He stood up, asked them where their faith was and told the wind and waves to stop.
Immediately it became calm. The wind and waves obeyed the powerful voice of GOD. Jesus was the creator and the creation has to listen when He commands.

The disciples realized then how powerful He was and that He must be someone really very special for the wind and the waves to obey Him! 

Jesus has the power and the authority and nature must listen and obey His command, cos He is GOD. 

One day one of the leaders of the synagogue named Jairus came to Jesus for help. His little daughter was very ill. 
So Jesus set out for Jairus’ house and a crowd of people went with Him. 

There was a woman in the crowd who had been going to doctors for 12 years and couldn’t get better. She thought if she could just touch His clothes she would get better. 
She was right – as soon as she touched Him she was healed. 
Jesus felt the power going out of Him and He asked who had touched Him.

The disciples wondered why He was asking as crowds of people surrounded him. The woman owned up with great fear, but Jesus spoke to her kindly and said that her faith had made her well.

 Just then messengers came from Jairus’ house and told him that his daughter had died and not to worry Jesus anymore. 
Jesus said he must believe and all would be well. 
When Jesus got to the house He told the people she was asleep. 

They all laughed at Him, because they knew she was dead. He went to her room with Peter, James and John and took her hand and told her to get up. She sat up and Jesus told her parents to give her some food.


These situations show us that  Jesus is powerful and He wants us to have faith in Him for circumstances to be turned around. 

Most of the time when things are looking bad in our lives we must remember that what’s more important than how things are looking is that Jesus can fix our problems.

Our God is the creator of all things.

 He can do anything. He created us because He loves us not because He needed us to work for Him as His servants – He already has the angels to do that, this means that the only work we can do to impress God is show His that we have faith in Him. 

If you would like to experience God's power in your life you must begin by believing.

When we pray, we are reaching out and touching the hem of Jesus garment. He is never to busy and He listens to us. 

He has all the power of the universe available to answer prayer.

Not all our prayers are answered the way we want. In those times we have to trust Him that He knows best. So just pray and leave the choice of results to Him. THAT is real faith and trust.

Challenge to Mission

Choose any day in the week to visit a sick person (perhaps at a clinic or hospital) and do something helpful for them. If you like you can take them some fruit or flowers from your garden or read to them from a newspaper.


 There is a worksheet with pictures to colour in of the women and the little girl. There is also the challenge to visit a sick person.

Memory verse 

“What kind of man is this?” they said, “Even the winds and the waves obey Him!”
Matthew 8:27

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