Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 1 We believe that Jesus died and rose again

Scripture: for teacher background:  Romans 5:6-11 Acts 2:31-33 John 19:17-42; John 20

Making contact:

Talk about Easter and see what the children know and understand about what Jesus did for us. Also talk about Easter eggs and see if the children know what the eggs could symbolise – new life, the empty tomb. Ensure them that actually Easter is not about the Easter Bunny and eggs! You can empty an egg by making a small hole in the top and bottom of the egg and blowing in the one hole. Prepare more than one of these in case.
You can break open a full egg for the children and explain that an egg symbolizes new birth. Save the empty egg for later in the lesson.


We call the Friday on which Jesus died “Good Friday”. How could it possibly be good?
Well, the only way God could have us back into His family was if someone died to pay the price. God’s own Son Jesus willingly let people nail Him to the cross and He shed His blood and died for us. That is why it is good. It is good news for us.

We remember this often, not just at Easter but every time we celebrate Holy Communion. We break the piece of bread to remind ourselves often that Jesus’ body was broken on the cross for us. We drink the grape juice to remind ourselves that the blood of Jesus was shed and washes our sins away. Yes, it was a very good day for us, because we were rescued. You could call it Rescue Friday.

Why did Jesus have to die? Only someone perfect was good enough to carry our sins upon Him. He took all my sin and all your sin and the sins of the whole wide world and carried all these on the cross. God couldn’t look at Jesus anymore, and the world turned dark, and Jesus cried out “My God, my God why did you abandon me?”  (Mark 15:34)

Why did God turn His back on Jesus? – Because He was filthy, covered in all our sin. It was terrible. The physical suffering of Jesus wasn’t the worst. He was beaten, He bled, His muscles were stretched and He had nails in His hands and feet and He could hardly breathe, but the sin on Him was much worse.

It seemed to be all over and Jesus friends were so very sad, but then what happened next? On the Sunday morning Jesus rose. Take the hollow egg you have prepared and break it open and show it is empty. 
The yoke disappeared without breaking the shell. Jesus rose and went through the stone wall. When His friends went to the tomb, the stone was rolled back and there were angels there who told them that Jesus was alive. 
The clothes were lying there – still wrapped up – not unwrapped. Jesus had been raised. The stone was rolled back not for Him to get out, because He could pass through the stone and locked doors but for the friends to get in and see.

Mary met a man in the garden and through her tears she eventually recognised that it was Jesus. He also appeared to Peter and then to Cleopas and his friend or wife going home to Emmaus. Then as all the friends were together in the Upper Room, Jesus came through the locked door and appeared to them. 
They first thought He was a ghost but He spoke to them and told them not to be afraid. He then asked for a piece of fish and He ate it. He told Thomas who had doubted to touch the scars, but Thomas said: My Lord and my God.”


It is very important that we believe that Jesus died and rose again. Have you thought carefully about what you believe? 
Some people think that Jesus just fainted on the cross and then in the cool tomb revived. 
Do you know what the soldier did to prove that Jesus really was dead? 
He pierced his side and the blood had separated. The Bible said that water and blood came out. Now if you bleed it is a thick red colour, but once you are dead, your blood separates. This is proof that Jesus really was dead.

Do you believe that Jesus truly rose again? Can you say like Thomas did – “My Lord and my God.”?

Challenge to Mission

Have you ever spoken to your friends about what Easter means? Ask them if they know why Jesus died and explain it to them.


Worksheet. Each week the belief statement will be in bold letters. Always get the children to repeat this after you. There are also extra Scripture verses for the older children to read in class or at home. Really encourage them to do this.

Belief Statement: We believe that Jesus died and rose again


Memory Verse

We believe that Jesus died and rose again.” 1 Thessalonians 4:14

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