Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 9. We believe that God is the Father and Creator of the world

Scripture: for teacher background:  Hebrews 11:3 Job 38,39, 40, 41; Psalm 65:6-13 Ps 97:1-6 Ps 104 Ps 136:1-9 Galatians 4:6

Making contact:

Hand out play dough and ask the children to make a person or animal with it. Talk about the fun they had in deciding how to form their shapes. 

They could decide how long the tail must be and how tall etc. 

Now ask if all the boys will please make a house and if all the girls will bake a cake.

If they look around for ingredients tell them there aren’t any – they first have to conjure up bricks, cement flour eggs and icing. This is impossible.

Get them thinking about how God made the world from nothing.


In the beginning God……………

That is all there was – God. He then made light and the universe, the planets, the animals and people, plants and water all out of nothing.

We wonder how people who don’t believe in God even think it could have all begun with a big bang or something like that. I would rather know that there is Someone wonderful and wise at the start of everything and at the controls now. 

In London you can go down to Greenwich in a train without a driver. It is really weird. I wouldn’t like to live in a world without a driver.

 I find it easy to believe God created the world because I have already seen other things that He does today in my life and around the world.

It’s like having a wonderful Daddy at home who provides the roof over your head and money for food and education and clothes and then someone comes along and says they don’t believe your Daddy exists and they don’t believe he bought the house you live in. 

You would just laugh because you know your Daddy, talk to Him every day and love him with all your heart, and you never go hungry or sleep on the streets.

In the Bible it says that it is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God’s Word so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen. (Hebrews 11:3)

God is so creative. 
People keep trying to find out about all the things that He has made and they study the stars, the plants, insects, and the weather etc. 

Imagine making 6 thousand kinds of beetles. God did! 
No two blades of grass are the same, no two snowflakes, two 2 clouds, and no two grains of sand.

Science is right in so many ways and has been good for our world in countless ways. 

But you have to decide whether to fully believe in Science only or in God, because there are areas where Science goes against God. 

There have been and still are wonderful scientists who believe in God and the Bible. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists who took the Bible very seriously. He wrote books about the Bible.

I think the problem is that Science hasn’t caught up with God yet, and the more Science learns, the more it will lead them to the truth.

In the meantime it is difficult because you might be the only one in your class at school who, for instance, doesn’t believe in evolution. You might need to stand up for what you believe.

By the way, you can read a lot about dinosaurs in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 - the behemoth – land dinosaurs and the leviathan, the sea types.

In fact in the book of Job, written in 2000 B.C. there are at least 15 scientific facts suggested there that were only “discovered” recently.

People believe in evolution and other theories like Big bang, because if you don’t believe in God then you have to hold on to something else and they hold on to these beliefs.

 This is so that they can live as they want and not listen to God. They don’t want there to be a God who made the world because they want to be in charge of their own lives.

If you didn’t believe in your parents and didn’t believe they provided your home and everything else then you wouldn’t have to listen to them when they tell you to go to bed and brush your teeth.

Some people don’t want a Heavenly Father and don’t believe He created the world.
What do you believe?

 Read through some of the glorious verses about God being Creator. Choose verses from Job 38,39 Psalm 65:6-13 Ps 97:1-6 Ps 104 Ps 136:1-9

(Depending on the age of the children, you can adapt and cut out some of this lesson and focus more on the Scriptures from Job. Little children don’t need to know the whole evolution debate but older children will need this. You will need to decide the level of your children and just use what is appropriate.)

Application  If your church focuses on Father's Day, this lesson is rather appropriate. 

 We are very grateful today for our heavenly Father who made a beautiful world and amazing universe. We are also grateful for our Daddy’s. Even if they have died, we say thank you today for all fathers and grandfathers.

Challenge to Mission

 Don’t be shy to speak up that you believe God created the world. 
You don’t have to prove it! 

But one day you might need to testify that you believe it. When you stand up and speak for God, Jesus stands up on your behalf and speaks up for you.

 “I will honour those who honour Me, and I will treat with contempt those who despise Me.”  1 Samuel 2:30
If a person is ashamed of me and of My teaching in this godless and wicked day, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels”. Mark 8:38.


Worksheet with memory verse and other Scriptures.

Memory Verse

 “It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God’s Word.” Hebrews 11:3

Belief Statement

We believe that God is the Father and Creator of the world

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