Monday 15 January 2018

Year B. 1st Term. Lesson 5. JESUS SERIES. Miracle Jesus

Scripture: for teacher background:  John 2

Making contact:  

Discuss all the fuss and fun about valentines and romance and weddings. 

If possible have a “feast” even if it is very simple – red cold drink and sandwiches! Cookies and sweets if the budget allows, or ask the children to bring a contribution. E.g.- packets of crisps or sweets. Divide their offerings on to little plates so that they all get the same.

(If possible make sure that the children are not hungry when at Sunday school – we really need to feed their tummies and their souls. 
Get help if you are struggling in this area. Ask for sponsorship to feed these children.)


There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee
Jesus’ mother was there, helping. Jesus and his friends were invited as guests. 

The wine ran out before the end of the wedding. This was very embarrassing and everyone would always remember and laugh about this couple’s wedding when the wine ran out. 

Mary went and told Jesus. She told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. She knew her son could help these people out of this awful spot.

There were 6 huge water jars standing near, so that people could wash before the meal, but now they were empty. 
Jesus told the servants to go and fill them. Then He told a servant to scoop some out and take it to the man in charge of the feast.

When the man tasted it he was so surprised. He said to the bridegroom that usually people used the best wine first, but he had saved this most wonderful wine for later!

This was Jesus’ first miracle.

 Jesus loved weddings and people and did His first miracle at a wedding.

You could raise the alcohol issue. The Bible doesn’t say don’t drink. 
It says “Don’t get drunk on wine, because it will ruin you.” (Ephesians 5:18) 

It is interesting that Jesus changed water into wine. 

Today we are concerned about alcohol because of the terrible things that are happening. Many Christians don’t drink at all because they are taking a stand against the abuse caused by alcohol.

Some people drink to try dull the pain from problems or to try get really happy at a party.
But Jesus can change dull, lifeless, sad lives into vibrant, exciting, joy-filled lives. His joy is far better and far safer for families and individuals. 

The Bible says: "Do not get drunk with wine but BE FILLED with the Holy Spirit." Eph 5:18

You could give a testimony of your life and how Jesus has brought it from water to wine - to the joy of abundant life. 
Or invite a guest who speaks briefly of this. This is also an opportunity to ask the children if they want Jesus to change them. 

Do an altar call or ask them to speak to you afterwards. It is special to have a cross in the room with cushions beneath it and then every Sunday it is there for children who need prayer.

Challenge to Mission

 We can change other people's situations like Jesus changed that embarrassing situation at the wedding. We can help people who have run out – of food, clothes, faith, dignity, love and joy. 

If the children themselves are poor, then ask them what they could give that doesn’t cost anything – love, thanks, a smile, a visit, a helping hand.


 There is a worksheet with pictures to colour in. There is a tilted jar with suggestions of how we can help people who have run out. The children can fill in other ideas.

Memory verse:

“And with all His abundant wealth through Christ Jesus,
My God will supply all your needs.”
Philippians 4:19

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