Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 3rd Term. Lesson 6. How to pray

 Scripture: for teacher background:  Jer 33:3 Jer 29:13; 1 Thess 5:16,17; Matt 7:7-11
Col 1:9; 1 John 5:14; James 5:16; John 14:13,14; Romans 10:13

Making contact:

Isn’t it great to have a friend who wants to talk to you and wants you to phone all the time. 

You know they never have a sinking feeling when they hear your voice on the other side. You know their face breaks into smile!

 With cell phones these days, you can send a friend a quick message or just miss call to let them know you are thinking of them. It is such fun. 

It is wonderful to have a friend who says – “Listen, if something is wrong even in the middle of the night – phone me – I am there for you.”
 I wonder if any friend has ever said that to you?
Sometimes we get the feeling we mustn’t call too much or they will get tired of us.


Learning to pray is first having the faith to believe that God wants to listen to you and talk to you. 

You can pray beautifully but if in your heart you think God doesn’t care and isn’t listening then there is a big problem. 

So the first lesson is to know that the Bible talks such a lot about prayer and gives so many examples of people praying and praying and God loves our prayers and has promised to listen

He says:
Call on me and I will answer you.” Jer 33:3

The 2nd lesson is that we can pray anywhere and anytime, out aloud or in our heads. We can think pray or talk pray. God can hear every thought and every word. 

The good news is that the Devil can’t hear what we are thinking but God can! Pray with all your heart. Don’t use empty phrases that you have heard other people use.

There is a very good idea for praying that we learn from our friend Daniel in the Bible. Why could he face a lions’ den? Why was his faith so strong? 
He had special prayer times with God
He would go to the window and pray 3 times a day.

 It is okay to pray on the run while we rush around, but even a friend needs to sit down or go for a walk with you when you have a heart to heart chat. God wants that and we need it. Jesus did it and so should we.

So start. Choose a place – somewhere on your own and talk to God. You might say: “Well I only have one sentence and then what?”

Try this – Start by thinking about all the names of God and then tell Him how you think He is great and awesome. Praise and thank Him for who He is. He is light, holy, powerful, Almighty, the creator, the good Shepherd, the Rock of Ages………

Then count your blessings for a while and just say “Thank You Lord” Look around at what you have and where you are. Look at yourself – ears to hear, legs that can walk etc. Look at the people in your life and say thanks you for them.

Then look inside to see if you are clean. You might need to say sorry to the Lord for something. Ask Him to show you if you have made Him or someone else sad.

Then pick something to pray for. Pray for your own family every day but if time is running short, divide other people into days.

E.g. On Mondays, pray for all the leaders in your life – country, teachers, church leaders; on Tuesday pray for your friends – make a list……..etc.

Pray a lot for other people. One day God will show you what He did through your prayers. Each one is powerful, so use this wonderful gift. Pray for people who do not believe in Jesus. Maybe choose one such person and commit to pray for them every day until they come to believe.

Pray for guidance for the day and commit your day to God. Ask God to fill you with His love so that during the day you can be sensitive to people and their hurts and needs. 

Pray for protection over all your coming and going. “He will protect you from all danger. He will keep you safe. He will protect you as you come and go.” Ps 121:7,8

Jesus gives us many prayer tips. Next week we will look at the prayer He taught His disciples, but He also said other things about prayer. It is important to believe when you pray. 

God often tests us to see if we really believe in Him. So He can see if you really believe. He wants to hear your prayer and wants to answer it. So pray in faith. Children often have more faith than adults. Let your faith grow so that when you are an adult you will have lots of faith. Jesus says we can ask. He wants us to bring our personal requests to Him.

Pray for things you know that God wants. Find examples in the Bible and pray them. Use examples and promises and tell God you know that He wants this or that because in the Bible it says so. This is praying according to His will.

Remember to be patient. It’s like a robot – 3 colours – Red, Green and orange. Stop, wait and go. God sometimes says “Yes” immediately, other times He says: “wait”. Because He knows the perfect timing for that prayer, and other times He says: “No”. This is because it isn’t what He wants and there is a bigger plan.

 Praying in faith means that you trust that God’s answer is the best answer and you can trust Him and relax in His answer.

There are times to pray together for someone in trouble. When Peter was in prison, the other Christians stayed up all night praying for him. 

Their prayers were so powerful that an angel freed Peter and he just walked out of jail. There may be times when you need to come together as a group and really pray hard through a crisis.

Another very important thing is to pray in the name of Jesus. There are many gods out there and we need to name our God. 

When you pray using the name of Jesus, you are telling the spiritual realm that your God is the Trinity God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Be specific. Don’t be vague. 

There is power in the name of Jesus. If you are afraid, say the name of Jesus out aloud! It’s not that it is magic.
Naming His name you are telling the whole world who you believe in and who is Lord of all.


To help children to pray aloud, sit in a circle in groups of about 4 to 8 and pass a Bible around. As they receive the Bible get them to say “Thank You Lord for…..” Let them think about something that they want to thank the Lord for. If they don’t want to say anything let them say “Amen” and pass the Bible on.

Avoid them holding hands or squeezing hands or “pinkie” prayers. This always leads to giggling.

Do this Bible passing prayer regularly, stretching them a little each time. Give other suggestions of what to pray for.

Challenge to Mission

 Pray for a missionary who is in another place to spread the Gospel. Don’t just pray but also write to him/her to encourage and tell of your prayers.

There is a worksheet.

Memory Verse

“If you ask for anything in My name, I will do it.”  John 14:14

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