Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 3. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Saviour

Scripture: for teacher background:  Acts 4:12; Hebrews 9:27,28; 2 Cor 6:1,2
Romans 10:9,10 Ephesians 2:8

Making contact:

Put 2 tables next to each other but leave a space to represent a chasm. Have various rulers – different lengths to try and bridge the gap between the 2 tables. Get someone to make you a wooden cross that will fit over the gap and form a bridge from the one table to the other.

Tell the children that the one table represents earth and us and the other table heaven and God. You could even use tablecloths to show dark and light. Then show them that the rulers just won’t reach and how this is how people try on their own to reach God. 
There is only one way – and you put the cross down. Say clearly – It is through Jesus. 

You could sing songs like ‘To God be the glory” and others which speak of Jesus being the way to the Father. “I believe in Jesus. I believe He is the Son of God.”
There is a song to the tune of Muffin Man on the worksheet.


Today is the day to hear the truth. Jesus is the Son of God. Christianity believes that Jesus IS GOD and is fully human and fully divine. 
It is very important to decide for yourself who Jesus is. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that there is no other way to heaven? Let’s talk some more about this.

Remember the blind man who said after Jesus had healed him that the MAN Jesus healed him.

Next he called Jesus a PROPHET and then later he realized that Jesus was the SON OF GOD, the Messiah.

You also have to decide. Until you realize who Jesus really is you are actually blind, spiritually blind. You might think that Jesus is a very nice man who healed people.

You might think Jesus is a very good teacher who told parables. You might think Jesus is a very clever man who performed miracles. That is not enough. You need to believe that Jesus is divine – Jesus is God.

Just like the rulers couldn’t reach across the gap, so nothing else or no one else in the world will never be enough. It is only the death of Jesus that can save us.

In order to be saved and rescued you have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. You need to believe that Jesus died for you and that He rose again. 

Then you have to ask Him to forgive you and wash you clean. Then you must live close to Him, obeying Him and listening to Him. He is the way.

(We have taught this truth in other lessons but it is important that the Gospel message is put to the children in many ways and repeatedly.)


 There is no other way to be saved and to be with God now and in Heaven. If people choose not to follow Jesus now, then they are also saying they don’t want to go to heaven, because Jesus is there and they don’t want to be with him now or then.

Do you believe?

Here is a copy of a prayer to pray with children who are ready to believe in Jesus.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I believe You are the Son of God. I believe you love me so much and that You died on the cross to take away my sins.

I am so sorry for my sins. Please forgive me and wash me clean.

Please come and live in my heart and be my Lord and King.
I want to be your child.

Help me to grow like you and shine for you.

I want to help other people love you too, I want to serve you
    for the rest of my life.

Thank you for being my Saviour and best Friend.


Challenge to Mission 
Jesus has called us to go and tell others this good news. Who can you tell this week? Ask them who they believe Jesus is and then tell them what you believe.


Worksheet. There is a maze for the children to find the way to Jesus and a song about Jesus being the Son of God to the tune of Do you know the Muffin Man?

Belief Statement

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Saviour.

Memory Verse 

“If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from death, you will be saved.”   Romans 10:9

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