Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 6 We believe Jesus ascended into Heaven and will come again

Scripture: for teacher background: John 14:1-3; Acts 1:1-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17; 5:1-11; 2 Thessalonians 2;  2 Peter 3:10-13 Revelation 1:7 Matt 24

Making contact:

Have you ever flown a kite? It is wonderful when it lifts up off the ground and soars into the air. 

Another amazing experience that only a few people have had is to go in a hot air balloon. 
You sit in a basket and this great big balloon is filled with hot air and you are carried up into the sky.


What is Ascension Day all about? Ascend means UP. Who went up? 

Yes, Jesus was taken up into heaven 40 days after His resurrection.
He had appeared many times to His friends, ate food with them and taught them things and then he took them to a mountain and while He was speaking He was lifted up into the sky and then a cloud covered Him and they couldn’t see Him again. 

There were 2 angels there who spoke to the disciples and gave them a wonderful promise that just as Jesus had left to go into heaven, so He would return again one day.

This will be Jesus, Himself. 

There are over 300 references to the 2nd coming of Jesus in the New Testament and it is a bit of a puzzle as to how exactly it will all happen, but there are some things that are certain.

 Jesus will have His glorious new body that He had when He was raised again – human but more special. (Phil 3:21) This body can live in Heaven or on earth, can move through space without a space suit, even eat and pass through locked doors.

Only 2 angels were there that day He ascended but when He comes back, thousands of angels will come with Him. (Matt 25:31 Jude 14)

Only eleven disciples saw Him go up but millions will see Him return. It will be very noisy – God will speak, the archangel will shout, the trumpet will play and people will be rejoicing. When He came as a baby, a single star guided the people to show the way, but when He returns, lightening will blaze from the east to the west. (Matt 24:27)

The Bible says He is coming back to Jerusalem, the great city that He loves. (Zech 14:4)

Jesus will come again as the King – crowned with glory and honour and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. (Phil 2:10,11)


 Because Jesus is returning again one day we need to be ready for that day. 

Many of the parables speak about this. We need to be faithful, obey all He has asked us to do and love, serve and obey Him with all our hearts. 

He has asked us to be pure and kind and He has asked us to spread the Gospel to get as many people ready for Him as possible. 

We need to live as children of the light and we need to be wise and make the most of the time we have. We need to grow in our knowledge of God and learn all about Him

Challenge to Mission

 This lesson gives us the biggest challenge to mission. How will we feel on that wonderful day when our friends and family don’t know the King? 

We need to be doing our very best to tell them all and warn them too. Jesus is the King and will be coming again one day.

Let’s be faithful and spread the Good News and pray for people to accept the truth and to be born again.


Worksheet. It has the chorus of a song – Jesus is coming again. There is the memory verse and extra Scripture verses for the older children. 

The children can glue cotton wool on the cloud and colour Jesus in. The shapes with dots need to be coloured in.

Belief statement:

We believe Jesus ascended into Heaven and will come again

Memory Verse

“Look, He is coming on the clouds! Everyone will see Him, including those who pierced Him.” Rev 1:7

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