Saturday 27 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 7. Bible buddy - The poor widow

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 21:1-4   Mark 12: 41-44

Making contact:

Discuss how we can give to God. 
We can’t throw money up to heaven, so how can we give to God?

We give to His work – to the church and to mission where His work can spread. 
If we don’t give, the churches will have to close down and then how will God’s work spread?

You could also discuss how much we give and that it isn’t other people seeing, but God sees and is sad or pleased.

Suggested Songs:  
A time to be giving…God loves a cheerful giver…. The windows of heaven are open.


Jesus was at the temple in Jerusalem one day and He sat down near the temple treasury. 
People were putting money in this box for God and for His work and Jesus watched each one.

Many rich people were putting in large amounts of money. Then along came a very poor widow. 

She dropped in two little copper coins, worth very little.
Jesus said to His disciples: “I tell you that this poor widow has put more in the offering box than all the others. They put in what they could spare, but she put in everything she had. She gave all she had left."


 It was possible to see how much that poor widow loved God and trusted Him. The rich people weren’t showing as much love, as they only gave what was left over. 

Our love for God can be seen by how we give to His work.

It isn’t a good idea to see if there is any money left after we’ve bought all we need. The Bible teaches us to give to God first. 
God said that the first 10% belongs to Him. It’s called a tithe. So that’s not our money at all. Offerings are what we give after the tithe.

The Bible says to try this and see how our lives will be blessed. It is a spiritual principle, like gravity is a physical principle.

Challenge to Mission

 Give money or time towards God’s work and see how the work of God spreads and grows. 

You will notice much blessing on your life, although you can’t do it for that reason.


 Worksheet. It has pictures of money around the border. The children can count how many notes there are and then work out what 10% of this amount is. This is an example of how to tithe.

Memory Verse

“Bring the full amount of your tithe to the temple. I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing.” Malachi 3:10

You could have the memory verse on pieces of paper in a purse.

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