Monday 15 January 2018

Year A. 4th Term. Lesson 1. The Bible says...T.V. says.

Scripture: for teacher background: 

Philippians 4:8, Proverbs 10:8, 1 Timothy 4:12, 2 Peter 3:14, 1 Corinthians 7:2
Ephesians 4:31,32 Matthew 7:13,14 Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26,27; 1 Cor 5, 6 and 7

Making contact:
Have a bar of nice smelling soap and talk about how nice and clean you feel after a bath. Sometimes there are things we do that make us feel dirty inside and this soap can’t clean us there.

We all enjoy T.V. but there are certain programmes that make us feel dirty in our heart. Why is this? Our lesson today is about what the Bible says to help keep us clean on the inside. (You could make a sign to go on the side of a box of washing powder and call it “Soapies”)

There are some programmes on T.V. that we call “Soapies”. This is a strange name for these programmes because they actually aren’t very clean programmes. They got their name from the old days before T.V. when there was only radio. They had stories for all the moms who were at home. They advertised washing powder during these programmes – so they were called “The Soaps.” Then they had these stories/dramas on T.V.

Over the years, unfortunately, to make them more interesting and “Spicy” they have brought in things that are not allowed in the Bible.
(You might like to name some current “Soapies" or other morally questionable programmes.)

Let’s list the problems that these “Soapies” cause in our lives:

We tend to copy the things we see and hear, so we begin to copy things that are not pure and lovely. These “Soapies” often show people doing and saying things that are sinful. They make sin look nice.
If you compare what the Bible says and what the Soapies say, they are very different.

E.g. The Bible says marriage must be pure and honoured by everyone. The Soapies often have married people having love affairs and breaking their marriage vows. The Bible says that sex is only acceptable inside marriage unlike in the Soapies, where there is always someone jumping into bed with someone else.
People begin to think that this is normal and right and sex on the first date is acceptable. It is not for the Christian.

The Bible teaches marriage between one man and one woman. Anything about a physical relationship between two men or two women is not according to God or the Bible – Old Testament and New Testament.

Another problem is gossip and greed. The “Soapies” are turning gossip and bad behaviour into entertainment.
They teach us how to hate and take revenge and lose self-control.

The Bible teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are values like love, peace, honesty, self-control and kindness. 
The Soapies have dishonesty, cheating and nastiness. There is lying, revenge and hate.

The problem is that if you watch this kind of thing over and over, you don’t get shocked anymore. Soapies have the ability to change your way of thinking, and even your behaviour.

In the Bible there are rules and guidelines to obey, which might be difficult at the time. The Bible says we must resist temptation and be pure and holy, but the Soapies teach us that it’s ok to do what you like as long as it makes you happy.

The Bible says we must make God happy. He knows that the Soapy way of living is actually a way to destruction.
That kind of living destroys people and families. When the good values change, it is like a slippery slide to the darkness. The path that leads to life might be hard to follow and narrower but it is safe and will get us there.


The Bible has the safest, strongest set of values to follow. It promises that if we live according to the Word of God we will have peace and joy, even during difficult times. This is different to selfish happiness.
Jesus showed us how to follow the Bible.

Let us make choices everyday to obey and stay on the path. If we do slip and make a mistake, Jesus has the only washing powder to make our hearts clean again.

He died on the cross to forgive us. This doesn’t mean we can keep playing in the mud of sin just because He is so forgiving! No, we must earnestly follow Him, but in case one day we slip, He will be merciful and forgive us as soon as we ask for forgiveness.

When we choose T.V. programmes to watch, we must choose ones that are clean and that we feel comfortable with Jesus watching alongside us.

Challenge to Mission

We might need to stand alone when everyone else is watching the “Soapies”, we might need to say: “No Thanks.”  
We must then go and do something else that our conscience says is clean. We might even need to speak out against these programmes and say that we feel they don’t honour God and are not suitable for Christians to watch.

It might make us unpopular, but in our hearts we know that is what God is asking us to do.


There is a worksheet – showing what the Bible says using the memory verse. There is a picture of lots of clean soap and bubbles. The children must list T.V. programmes that are good, lovely and clean for their minds.
There is also a picture of children watching T.V. and the big question is whether to switch it off. There is a prayer that they can pray to ask Jesus to give them the strength to do the right thing.

Memory Verse
“Fill your minds with those things that are good —things that are true, noble, right, pure
and lovely.”                                                                                                                                    Philippians 4:8


The following are some different words for this lesson based on the song – “Don’t build your house on the sandy land” from Psalty no. 2

Don’t build your life on SOAPY  Land
Don’t build it on T.V.
              C                           C7
Well it might look kind of nice
But there’s murder, sin and vice
            C             G7           C
And other ugly things to see

You`d better build your life

Upon the Rock
Live for Jesus Christ around the clock
                  C    C7             F
Although troubles may come and go
          C                G7                  C
The blessings of God you will know

Don`t build your life without the Lord
Don`t live just for yourself
                 C                       C7
Life will come tumbling down
And you`ll live with a frown
                     C                  G7          C
Cause you can`t live without the Lord

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