Monday 15 January 2018

Year A. 4th Term. Lesson 10. The Bible says...Secular music says...

Scripture: for teacher background: Romans 10:17; Mat 5: 6-16; Gal 5:1;Philippians 3:12-20; 2 Corinthians 7:1

Making contact:
Bring CD covers or pictures of various singers or music groups (both Christian and non-Christian) to class and as you hold them up, ask the class to call out the name of the singer/group.

 Once they have done that begin to place the pictures into 2 separate empty boxes/ ice-cream containers. Once all the pictures have been placed, ask the class to tell you why you put some pictures in 1 box and others in a separate box?

Explain that you have grouped all the Christian singers together and all the secular music together. Tell them that secular music is any kind of non-religious music.


The Bible says that, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) This must mean that it is very important that we pay close attention to what we are hearing and listening to because it affects our faith. 

In other words, it affects our ability to believe that God loves us, our ability to believe what He wants for our lives, our ability to believe the word of God and receive the fruit we should enjoy at a result of faith.

The different things we can’t help hearing or listening to include, sounds in nature, our parents and teachers and others around us.

But we can choose whether or not we should be watching TV. And we can choose what music we are listening to- on the radio, CD’s and DVD’s.

But how often do we stop to ask ourselves about what we are listening to?

Is all music good for us?

 What are the lyrics about? 

Many of the secular songs we listen to today are signals of the world we are living in. They tell us about culture and lifestyle and beliefs.

Some teach us that we don’t need faith.

We learnt a little while ago about the dangers of witchcraft. Some music is also full of words about witchcraft. Be very careful of music by groups like Black Sabbath and Metallica. It is said that the music of Marilyn Manson and others inspired the shooters at the Columbine School massacre.

Unfortunately, most secular music is not innocent. A lot of it teaches that:

1.      it’s cool to drop out of school and live a lie of ignorance
2.      it's cool to be out of control as long as you are rich or powerful
3.      it's cool to use swear words and vulgar language
4.      it's cool to have sex before marriage and fall in love with someone new every weekend
5.      it's cool not to love God, its even cool to be your own God
6.      it's cool to treat other people badly
7.      it's cool to disobey and disrespect parents, teachers, the police and others in authority  
8.    it's cool to take drugs and get drunk

What many secular stars don’t share with us in their music is that they are unhappy because they are: afraid, insecure, and suffer from addictions.

As children of God, should we include ourselves in these thoughts, practices and concerns of the world?
We have been set apart by God to live a clean life. 

God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we could be free from fear, insecurity and worldly addictions (bondage).

Unlike secular music, the Bible tells us:

  1. We should forget what’s in the past and look forward to a good future with God. “One thing I do… is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight toward the goal which is to win the prize, which is God’s call through Christ Jesus to live the life above” Philippians 3: 13-14

  2. We should change our way of doing things when we become Christians because we are now in the light. We should let go of the worldly way of life and seek Gods way of life. “But all those things I might count as profit I now reckon as loss for Christ’s sake” Philippians 3: 7


Music is an everyday part of all of our lives but not all music is healthy for Christians to listen to. 

Remember that everything we hear enters our innermost being, our spirits

Some people say, “I’m not listening to the lyrics. I’m just enjoying the beat” – this is impossible because our subconscious records everything we hear and it comes out in our lives.

 This is how come you sometimes find yourself singing along to adverts and jingles you never intentionally memorized.

We should guard against lyrics and music videos that influence us against what God wants for us, which is righteousness, purity and truth. 

It won’t be easy to turn off the radio when offensive music comes on, nor will it be easy to go outside when such music comes on at a party because your friends will want to tease or mock you but the Bible says “Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil against you because you are my followers. 
Be happy and glad for a great reward is waiting for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted.” (Mat 5: 11-12)

When you want to listen to music at home or in your parent’s car, choose good music. There are great gospel artists out there who can make you forget about bad music fast!

Challenge to Mission

Arrange the class in groups of 3 or 4 and ask them to make up a short song out of any memory verses. Ask them to see if they can teach this song to friends during break or family at home.


The worksheet has a test on it to test music to see if it is suitable to listen to that it builds up a person. The children must write YES or NO next to each one.

There is a picture of a house with a bell in the roof. This is like our lives. There should be a warning bell that rings in our head when something dangerous is coming and we can close our windows and doors and refuse to listen to that bad music.

Memory Verse  

I shall be full of courage so that with my whole being I shall bring honour to Christ. Philippians 1:20

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