Tuesday 16 January 2018

Year B. 2nd Term. Lesson 10. Fathers' Day

 Scripture: for teacher background: Romans 8:14-16

Making contact:

Discuss what the word is for Father in as many different languages as possible.
In the Bible the Hebrew word is used. It is ABBA. It means Daddy Sir.


A Father’s Day Quiz.

1. What father was the first man on earth?          (Adam)
2. What father was the first sailor?             (Noah)
3. What father had as many descendants as stars in the sky? (Abraham)
4. What father heard God speak through a burning bush?  (Moses)
5. What father had twin boys, one hairy and one smooth?    (Isaac)
6. What father gave his favourite son a special coat? (Jacob).
7. What father killed a lion and a giant when he was just a boy? (David)
8. What father built Israel’s first temple?   (Solomon)
9.What father became speechless until his child was born?  (Zechariah)
10.What father came to Jesus and asked Him to heal his little girl? (Jairus)
11. What Father sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins? (God)
12. What Father sent His Holy Spirit to give His church power to witness? (God)


We give thanks for all the fathers down the ages who have brought God’s message to us. We give thanks for our fathers today. 

We especially give thanks for our Father God who has adopted us and made us His children.

Challenge to Mission

 Is there a Grandpa who needs a visit? It might be nice to spread a little of God’s love around to fathers whose children have died.


 The children can make a card in the shape of a shirt. See instructions.
There is a worksheet with the quiz questions on that the children can quiz each other and their families on.

Memory verse:

“The Spirit makes you God’s children and by the Spirit’s power we cry out to God:  “Abba, my Father.”  Romans 8:15

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