Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 3rd Term. Lesson 5. How to understand how the Bible fits together.

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 7:26

Making contact:

Have you ever watched a house being built?
 They first dig down – for foundations – pouring concrete in these trenches and then they lay the bricks for the walls and the concrete slabs and then the roof trusses, then roof tiles or corrugated metal, then they do the plumbing and wiring and then the window frames, doors, tiles, bathroom fittings, glass. 
Hopefully all this comes together at the right place and time and then you can paint and move in.


The Bible is shaped a bit like 2 houses. If you can understand this, then you will understand the Bible better and find your way around it easier.

It is in 2 parts. The Old Testament and the New Testament. These 2 parts are actually about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. We mustn’t think because of the word “Old” that we don’t need to read the Old Testament. 

It is very important to us.

Think of the first house. This is the Old Testament.

The foundations are the first 5 Books. Genesis to Deuteronomy. These books tell us how God gave rules so that He could live with people on earth. He wanted to be their friend, but could only come close through their clean living and worship in the tabernacle.
So He taught them how to do this. Thee are also many stories of what happened between God and the people.

The next part is the walls of the house. These are the books of History that tell how it went with the people of God trying to live as God wanted. Many stories are of their failure. These are the books from Joshua to Esther.

You can see into a house through its windows and doors. We can see into how the people felt through their poetry and songs. We can see how they prayed. These books are Job, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. The prayers, songs, poetry and prose show us a lot about God too.

The roof is very important – it protects. The major and minor prophets were trying to protect God’s people. They kept warning them when they went wrong. But it was often like living through a storm without a roof and the house fell down.

This house did not last – the people disobeyed everything that God said and everything fell apart. All the pieces were scattered.  It was as if the house fell down and it was over. No more relationship between God and people.

BUT God built another house. The New Testament.

The foundations this time were much stronger –He sent the Saviour, His only Son – the Rock, Jesus Christ. The Gospels tell all about this wonderful strong foundation. This house will never fall down!
The Gospels tell of His birth and life and what He taught, His miracles and how He died and rose again. If you build your life on Jesus you will stand forever and live in eternity forever.

The walls are how the Gospel grew and how the Apostles preached throughout the world. This is all in the book of Acts.

The protection –we read about the roof in all the letters of Paul and Peter and a few others. There is warning, teaching, and protection of the Gospel, trying to keep people to the truth. They taught them how to live, how to love one another, how to give, how to be holy.

The door is the final entry into heaven – the Book of Revelation, which shows how we will live with God in glory forever. It shows the future.


It is important that we build our lives like good houses. 

Firstly, we need to build on the rock. We need to base our lives on Jesus Christ. When the storms of life come we will remain strong.

The part that is hidden but most important is the foundation. What is the foundation of every day? Is it Jesus and the Bible and prayer? We need to build on Jesus.

The walls are how we grow as Christians. Like the early church, let’s spread the Gospel – build a double story house for Jesus!

The roof is the protection. Are we listening to the warnings in the Bible of keeping away from sinful living? Are we listening to the prophets and teachers in the Bible teaching us and warning us? Then we have the roof on our lives.

Our windows are how we pray and feel and worship. 
If we don’t have time for this then it’s like living in a house without any windows. 

Go to church – it is another window. Sing songs about Jesus, pray all day just chat to the Lord. He is your best friend. Lots of windows let in lots of light and sun and fresh air.

The door is how open you are to hear God speak and how ready you are to go to heaven.

Challenge to Mission

People watch us closely to see how we build our lives. 

They might mock when they see you make God your foundation. 
They might laugh at your singing, praying and reading your Bible, but keep building like Noah built the ark, because one day, your house, your life will stand firm.

Like Noah did, urge your friends to also build on the rock. Tell them of the dangers of building in the sand.


There is a worksheet showing how all the Books of the Bible fit into this pattern.

Memory Verse

“Anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like the man who built his house on the rock.” Mat 7:24

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