Monday 15 January 2018

Year B. 1st Term. Lesson 8. JESUS SERIES. Praying Jesus.

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 6:12-16  Matthew 14:22-32

Making contact:

Have something locked up that needs a key to unlock it – demonstrate finding the key and being so excited when it opened the box or padlock.

Place a transparent bowl of water half filled with water, a stick, a stone, a straw and a little sugar or salt on a table in front of the class. 
Ask your class to guess which of these items will sink or float if placed in the water as you drop each item into the bowl.
 Discuss what makes each item sink or float depending on the material and discuss how Jesus (heavy as He was) could walk on water.


Prayer was very important to Jesus. One night Jesus went up a hill and He spent the whole night praying to God. When day came He called his disciples and He chose 12 of them to be apostles –
Simon (He named him Peter), his brother Andrew;
James and John
Philip and Bartholomew
Matthew and Thomas
James and Simon
Judas, son of James and Judas Iscariot

Another time after teaching all day long on the hillside, the disciples got in a boat to go on ahead to the other side.
Jesus stayed behind and went up a hill to pray by Himself. 
He could see the boat was getting tossed about and as hard as the disciples rowed they couldn’t get across. 

Between 3 and 6 in the morning Jesus came walking on the water towards them. They screamed in fear, thinking He was a ghost. 
Jesus called out to them telling them it was He. 
Peter said “Lord if it is really you call me to come to you.” 

Jesus said “Come” So Peter got out the boat and began walking on the water. 
Then he noticed the strong wind and the big waves and he was afraid. He began to sink. 

At once Jesus reached out and saved him. He asked him why he doubted. When they got back in the boat the wind died down. They worshiped Him and exclaimed that He truly was the Son of God.


Prayer is a key that unlocks God’s power.

 Jesus prayed many hours and still prays for us now at the right hand side of the Father.

 He has given us this special key and we can use it. Here are some guidelines on how to use it:

Prayer is simply talking to God who is our Father who loves and cares for us

Pray believing that God is listening and has the power to answer your prayers….

Pray in the name of Jesus….He carries our prayers. He is our only mediator…Peter called out to Jesus when he was sinking.

Pray in your heart or out aloud…..

Pray by yourself often and also with others. It is powerful when you agree on something and ask together for it.

Don’t show off when you pray – rather pray in secret

Keep your prayers simple – don’t use clever words

Pray for people who are sick and need God’s help.

Pray for your family and friends everyday

Pray for people by name and be specific

Don’t look too much at the circumstances around you – the big waves, - like Peter did – keep your eyes on Jesus and trust Him

Get someone to share a short testimony on how prayer worked for them – getting lost and then praying and finding way or finding lost keys…………calling on the name of Jesus when frightened……..

Share how it is important to pray before we make decisions. We need to ask God for wisdom. 

It is a good idea to ask God to bless food before we eat. It shows we love Him and honour Him before we feed our tummies.

If we are afraid we can call on the name of Jesus, because Jesus has won the victory over all evil.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer together.

Read Psalm 91

Challenge to Mission

Does your church have prayer groups? – Join one or start one.

 The true measure of a church is the size of the prayer meeting! 

Mission needs to be born in prayer. We can’t go out and feed the world and tell about Jesus until we are soaked in prayer.

Does a member of your family or a friend need to meet Jesus? Pray for them everyday.

Children often have more faith than adults. Does your church need something? 

Get the children praying. Pray and ask Jesus to provide for your church. Pray often.

Teachers, do you pray for the children?


There is a worksheet with a picture of Jesus praying and Peter sinking in the water calling out to Jesus. The mission challenge is a challenge to pray and then do something to help answer the prayer. 

Memory verse

“If you believe, you will
 receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Matthew 21:22

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