Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 2nd Term. Lesson 8. We believe there is one true and living God - the Holy Trinity

Scripture: for teacher background: Deut 6:4; 2 Cor 13:13; 2 Cor 1:21-22; John 14:16-31
 Matt 3:13-17; Luke 3:21,22

Making contact:

Talk about eggs and maybe have a hard boiled egg there, which you can cut in half as you talk.
Ask how many eggs do they see – one. Are they sure it is one egg? Let’s cut it open and see how many part it has – 3  -the shell, the yolk and the white. 
Each part of the egg has a job to do. The shell protects the egg. The white protects the yolk and the yolk becomes a chicken if it is fertilized. It is 1 egg with 3 parts.

You can also talk about a candle. It is one candle. When it is dark you can’t actually see the candle but if you light it there are 2 things that happen – you can see the light and you can feel the warmth around the candle.


It is very difficult for our little brains – show a little head sized circle) to understand God, a God who made the whole universe that we can’t even measure. (If we could travel to the sun by express train it would take 300 years to get there and to get to Neptune it would take 8, 300 years and 75 000 000 years to reach the nearest star.  How does a human understand God who made all this? 

But God has used every possible way to show us what He is like. 

The first thing we learn is that He is the One and true living God. The 2nd thing we learn is that He came to visit earth in the form of a human man called Jesus, and the 3rd thing we learn is that He is here today in Spirit.

Now let’s think about the egg again – One egg, but 3 parts. Having 3 jobs. God is One but has 3 jobs. One in Three and Three in One.

 The candle too – you can’t see the candle in the dark. 
We can’t see God, but when Jesus came it was like lighting the candle. We could see what God is like. Then the Spirit came and we can feel the warmth of God’s Presence. One in Three and Three in One.

Another way of explaining God is to draw a triangle. How many shapes can you see? One. How many sides to a triangle? 3. But how many shapes?  ONE!

One in Three and Three in One. We can say we see different sides of God. If we could go to Heaven now we would see God the Father. 
People saw Jesus the Son on earth who died and rose again and now we have the Holy Spirit here around us and if we believe in Jesus, He lives inside us. 

So we can’t really SEE all the sides of the triangle now. One in Three and Three in One.

When Jesus was baptised, the people there could see or hear all three sides of the triangle, or the candle or the egg. (You could get a child to do the reading – from Luke 3:21,22)

You could then ask who was being baptized? Jesus.

What did they hear? God the Father’s voice, saying He was well pleased. 

What did they see? They actually saw the Holy Spirit come down on Jesus like a dove.

When else did people see the Holy Spirit? At Pentecost – they saw flames on each person’s head and they heard a powerful wind.


 It might be difficult to understand, and you might need to accept in faith that you believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit even if you don’t fully understand. 

That is what faith means. I have faith in electricity. I use it all the time, but I certainly don’t understand it. I use a cell phone all the time and I don’t understand how it works.

Challenge to Mission

 People who don’t go to church sometimes say they believe in God and they even love the things He made and enjoy His creation. 
Try and talk to people about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are like people who have an egg but never taste it or have a candle but never light it. 

Maybe you can help them understand how amazing our God is to be Three in One and One in Three. Make sure you explain that God is One God.


There is a worksheet with a memory verse and extra verses to read. At the bottom of the sheet there are 3 shapes to cut out. They need to then be put together like a puzzle to make a triangle shape.

Memory Verse

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Cor 13:13

Belief Statement 

We believe there is one true and living God – One in Three and Three in One.

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