Monday 15 January 2018

Year B. 1st Term. Lesson 1. JESUS SERIES: Baby Jesus with Simeon and Anna

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 2:22-40

Making contact:

Play a “name game” with the children. 

E.g. Game number 1. “Jolly hot Sausage.”

 You bounce a cushion in your hands and say the name of the person next to you –

E.g. “ Jan, this is a jolly hot sausage!” They then bounce the cushion and turn to the person on the other side of them saying, “Thebo, (addressing the new person) -Angela says that this is a jolly hot sausage.” Thebo will address the next person saying, “Sarah, Thebo says that Jan says that Angela says that this is a jolly hot sausage.”

Game number 2. Go around the group and everyone says their name with an adjective in front of their name beginning with the same letter and describing them.
 E.g. “Angelic Angela”!……… “Ravishing Rosa!”……….  “Thankful Thebo”. 
“Singing Sarah”


 Discuss the meanings of names. If you are meeting with the children previous to this lesson, ask them to find out the meaning of their name before this lesson and the reason their name was chosen.


When Jesus was 8 days old, He was given His name – “Jesus”. His name means “Saviour”

 A few weeks later it was time to go to the temple of Jerusalem and for Mary and Joseph to dedicate baby Jesus to God. They also sacrificed 2 doves as the Old Testament said that they should.

There was an old man there called Simeon who loved God and was very devout. God had promised him that before he died He would see the Messiah. 
When Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus were at the temple Simeon realized who this baby was. 

He took the child in his arms and gave thanks to God. He prayed a beautiful prayer and thanked God for keeping His promise.

(Read the prayer out of the Bible – Luke 2:29-32)

Simeon knew this child was to be the salvation of the whole world.

He spoke to Mary and Joseph and explained how this baby would be the Saviour, but that a very sad thing would happen which to Mary would feel like a sword going through her heart.

There was another special person at the temple too that day – a very old lady called Anna. She was 84 years old, but had only been married for 7 years. 
Ever since she was widowed she had stayed at the temple worshiping God and praying and fasting. 

She also realized that Jesus was the King and she told everyone who was waiting for the Messiah that this was he.

Mary never forgot Simeon and Anna, nor the shepherds and the wise men and as Jesus was growing up she often thought about the wonderful things that happened when Jesus was born.

Ideas for Presentation of story.

Have a baby doll wrapped in a blanket and hold it while telling the story. 
Invite an elderly man and woman to the lesson to represent Simeon and Anna. 

Pass them the doll and ask “Simeon” to read the prayer that Simeon prayed in the Bible.

There is a lovely carol, which has been adapted. 

I love You

Little baby in the Temple I love You

Giving You the name of Jesus I love You

Simeon has waited to say I love You

Anna sees the Saviour and says I love You


At New Year, we often make New Year Resolutions. This year let us offer ourselves to God, as Mary and Joseph dedicated baby Jesus. (Romans 12:1) 

Let’s give the year to God.

 Another lesson we learn from this story is how important the elderly are. 

We must appreciate and respect them. Many of them spend a lot of time praying for us and for the world.

Maybe ask the 2 elderly visitors to Sunday school to pray for the children – at the lesson, and also to pray for them the whole year.

Challenge to Mission

Mary and Joseph sacrificed 2 doves. What sacrifice can we make? 
We could sacrifice 2 hours a week to get involved with a mission project at our church, or do something on our own, like visit the elderly or the sick. 

We could give money as our sacrifice and gift.

Let’s appreciate our elderly and not just ignore them.


 There is a worksheet with a picture of Baby Jesus in the temple with Mary, Joseph, Anna and Simeon. 

There is a picture of a dove and inside the dove the children can write or draw what they are giving to God – their 2 hour sacrifice per week or their gift.

Memory verse

 Matthew 1:21  “You will name Him Jesus – because He will save His people from their sins.”

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