Scripture:—background reading for teachers. GENESIS 2
and 3
Outcomes—to show how a beautiful world was spoilt
through sin
to show that disobedience
has consequences
Play a game of hide and seek. Send one child
out the room. Another child in the room hides. The other children all know
where this child is. They call the first child back in and sing a song. If the
“searcher” is far away from the hidden child, they song very softly, and as the
searcher gets closer to where the child is hiding, they sing very loudly.
Repeat this with other children hiding a few times depending how much time is
Exploration: If possible use pictures or a picture Bible or an
ordinary Bible to show the story is from the Bible and not one you’re making
up. Tell the story of the beautiful world that God made and how happy everyone
was. Adam named the animals and God asked him to look after the world and gave
him a beautiful wife. God gave one very important rule to test if Adam and Eve
would listen to Him. There was one tree they weren’t allowed to eat from. Along
came Satan and spoke to Eve. (It is a good idea not even to talk to evil
things—they can get you into trouble!) He asked her if God had said they
couldn’t eat from any tree in the garden. She explained that God had said they
could eat of all the tress except one and if they did they’d die. Then Satan
told her they wouldn’t die and they’d become gods and “didn’t the fruit look
delicious”. (He was really sneaky.) So her eyes and her ears and her hands
sinned—She looked, she listened and she took and she ate.
She then gave Adam
and suddenly they felt terrible and knew they had sinned, so they went and hid.
God came to talk
with them as usual and of course He already knew what had happened, but He
called them. (We also want to hide and don’t want God or our parents or
teachers to see us if we have done wrong) Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the
snake – just like us! SO actually we can’t say how terrible that THEY were so bad
– any of us would have been the same and we are the same!
God then had to
kill beautiful animals to make clothes for Adam and Eve. This way, when
something was killed, their sin was covered. I am sure this reminds you of
Someone who has died for us……..JESUS. Well, God promised right here in the
first book of the Bible that Satan’s head would get crushed and someone coming
generations later from Eve would have His heel bruised. (Genesis 3:15) So God
already planned to send Jesus who would die, but it would be like a bruise
compared to what He would do to Satan!
But even so, now
Adam and Eve had to leave this beautiful place and live in a place where they
would always have to work, and now they would die- spiritually straight away,
but physically when they were old. So God was right – eating that fruit did
make them die and they did not become gods, but everything was spoiled and all
they had was a promise that one day far in the future a Saviour would come.
to us today:
When we disobey God, or our parents or
teachers, there is always a consequence. If mummy says “Don’t touch the stove,
it is hot!” and we disobey and touch the stove – we get very hurt and she has
to take us to the doctor and the money for education is wasted, and so
everything is messed up because we didn’t listen. We need to be careful when
someone tempts us to sin or a naughty thought just comes in our head. We need
to be careful what our eyes look at and what we listen to and what our hands
get to do. However, if we make a mistake God has made a way- Jesus paid for our
sin and we can ask Him to forgive us and cover us with His beauty, like those
skins covered Adam and Eve.
So our Bible buddies Adam and Eve teach
us to be careful of sin, because it has huge consequences or results.
An activity sheet to
colour in and fill in the answers on the fruit in the tree – “They disobeyed
God” Underneath the snakes, they write the words on the snakes in the right
order: “They were sent out of the garden.”
Memory Verse:
"Love the Lord your God and always obey all
His laws." Deuteronomy 11:1
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