Monday 15 January 2018

Year B. 1st term. Lesson 7. JESUS SERIES. Teaching Jesus.

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 5-7

Advance Notice
This would be a good lesson to have some information about the Bible society or even have a visit from them – promoting their work and explaining how they are taking the Bible all over the world and are busy translating the Bible into many hundreds of different languages. The teachings of Jesus are being spread across the world.

Making contact:

Have some material for the children to build a house with –E.g. blocks, some wood, some hymn books, duplo, Lego, or even something different like toothpicks and jelly tots!

These could maybe be tested to see how strong they are – blow on them, or bump them. Talk about what made some houses stronger than others.

You could even use the story of the 3 little pigs and the wolf that huffed and puffed and blew the houses down, which were made of straw and sticks, but the house of bricks, stood firm.

Tell the children that Jesus was a very good teacher who taught using fun stories and pictures that are easy to remember.

Suggested Songs:

“The wise man built His house upon the rock”
“Don’t build your house on the Sandyland”
“Read your Bible pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow.”
“The best book to read is the Bible”
“My Bible”
“Tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear” “Tell me the old, old story”


On the Sabbath Jesus taught in the synagogues, but the rest of the time He taught outside.

 Lots of people gathered around to listen to Him. 
He taught them how to be blessed and happy, and it was the opposite of what we think! 

He taught that we mustn’t run after money, but must store up riches in heaven. 

He said that we are like salt and light and we must make this world a better place.

 He taught us how to pray and gave us the Lord’s Prayer.

 He taught using wonderful stories called parables. These are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning. 

One story He taught was of 2 house builders. A very foolish man built his house on sand and, of course, the first storm that came along, the house fell down. 
The wise man built his house on solid rock and it stood firm during the storm. 

Jesus said that if we listen and obey all His teachings and parables and live them out, then we are like the wise man and we are building our lives on the rock. Jesus is our rock. 


 Read the Beatitudes from the Good News Bible (Matthew 5:3-16) and discuss how Jesus taught things so different to how the world teaches.

If we listen to Jesus and obey His teachings it is like a house being built on rock. We’ll be strong in the difficult times.  Our faith grows when we read our Bibles and listen to Bible stories and learn memory verses. We need to listen carefully and do what the Bible says.

It’s no good hearing all these things and then going a different way.

Challenge to Mission

 Tell at least one other person about the Bible, tell them a story like the wise man building a house and encourage them to come to church, to read the Bible to get to know Jesus so that their lives are firmly on the rock, before the storm comes.

Find out about the Bible society and the work they do in spreading God’s Word.

Maybe donate to the work – an offering, or a Bible you aren’t using any more.


There is a worksheet with pictures of Jesus teaching and the houses built on rock and sand. A bricklayer is laying bricks – the children can write down what their response is to the challenge to mission.

An exercise could be done if there is time to follow instruction, showing the importance of obeying. E.g. someone blindfolded being directed past some furniture to a sweet, making something simple like play dough or eggnog or learning the steps to a traditional dance.

Memory verse:
“Obey God’s message!
 Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it!
Put it into practice.”
James 1:22

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