Saturday 13 January 2018

Year A. 3rd Term. Lesson 7 How to pray the Lord's prayer

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 6:9-13 Isaiah 30:21

Making contact:

Do you like cooking and baking? Do you use recipes? What is the advantage of recipes? 

Some baking and cooking works quite well without a recipe, but some things definitely only work with a recipe.
Here is an easy chocolate sauce to make in the microwave – but follow the recipe:
50 ml syrup
50 gm butter
50 ml hot chocolate powder

Microwave for 1 min then stir then microwave for another minute.


The disciples watched Jesus closely and they were fascinated with the way He prayed. 
He seemed to have a hotline to God, His Father. 

One day they said: “Lord, teach us to pray.”
He gave them what we call the Lord’s Prayer.
Can you say it?

Our Father in heaven may Your name be honoured

May Your Kingdom come
May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Give us today the food we need
Forgive us the wrongs that we have done as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.

Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.

You might know slightly different words and you also add on a bit that the church tradition has added on to give an ending of praise.

This prayer is like a recipe. It teaches us how to pray and what to pray for. It shows us all the important ingredients of prayer.

We are firstly reminded that God is our Father, and that we must praise and honour His name.
This doesn’t only mean to honour Him in prayer but to honour Him all day.

A tip – we don’t like it when others use the Lord’s name in vain. Try this. When someone near you blasphemes, say: “AMEN!” as if you think they are praying……….they will soon stop when you are there.

One day God’s Kingdom will come and then everyone will honour His name because He is King whether people believe or not. That day will come!

We are asking God that we will know His will and do His will
It is wonderful to walk in the way that God wants. 
He has promised to show us: “If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear His voice behind you saying, Here is the road. Follow it.”
Isaiah 30:21

Jesus taught us that we must ask for what we need
Jesus said bread for a reason. That is basic food. 

We are not asking for cake and lemon meringue and Ferrari’s but our basic needs. 
The Bible teaches us not to be greedy. If the world followed this teaching of Jesus, no one would be poor.
Let’s not steal when we are hungry. Ask God for daily bread and He has promised to provide.

Jesus is very serious about forgiveness. He will not put up with us holding grudges, hating other people, being bitter and then being all “holy” and praying. 
He can’t even hear our prayers and won’t listen until we forgive the other person. He spoke very strongly about this and we need to follow this teaching.

Jesus taught us in this prayer to ask for His protection against evil. In one of His last earthly prayers He prayed to God that we would all be safe: “Keep them safe from the evil One.”

People who don’t think the devil exists haven’t read their Bibles! 
He is the enemy and we need God’s protection. 
It is no good though, to disobey God, follow the evil ways and then turn around and ask protection and blame God for everything that goes wrong!

So let’s be sensible and not play games like that.


It is important to help children develop their praying, especially if they get no teaching at home.

It’s important that we don’t just recite this special prayer with no thought and no meaning. It can be said slowly and thoughtfully, but most of all the teaching from it needs to be applied.

The aspects of praise, confession and asking are very clear.

A simple summary of this is the Teaspoon prayer. “Thank You, Sorry and Please.”

As the children gain confidence with the simple round of prayer, saying Thanks, develop their prayers in to the teaspoon prayer.

Have a brief time for each, just introducing it simply -
”Let’s say thanks to God………….”Let’s say sorry now, in your heart or out aloud”…………….Let’s forgive those who have wronged us.”………”

Now let’s ask God for protection over us and those we love and let’s pray for the needs of others and anything we are worried about.”

The children will soon learn to pray short, direct, relevant prayers as you guide them. This will develop their prayer lives.
Don’t accept any irreverence. Tell them they are dishonoring God if they are naughty when they pray.
Keep it short and special.

Challenge to Mission

 Pray the Lord’s Prayer for someone. 
Ask that they will come to know God as their FATHER, that they will do His will; that they may eat food and have all that they need.
 Pray that they can forgive those who have hurt them and that God will protect them from the Evil One.

This prayer is also very powerful to pray for someone you don’t like. Jesus said pray for your enemies. You can’t remain enemies when you pray this prayer for them.


 There is a worksheet.

Memory Verse

If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear His voice behind you saying, Here is the road. Follow it.”
Isaiah 30:21

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