Sunday, 28 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 12. Bible buddies- The wise men

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 2:1-12

Making contact:

Discuss the different ways people travel? They walk, travel by train, taxi, car, bus, aeroplanes, ship, horse, ox wagon or camel!

Imagine taking months to travel across a desert on camel.


There were people long ago who studied the stars. They could tell things from these stars. Some Bible scholars think that there were Jews far away in Babylon who stayed there after the exile instead of returning to Israel with the others and they were so longing for their Messiah that they watched for signs in the sky.

 They saw a new star and believed it represented a very important king for Israel – maybe the most important king of all time!

They felt so strongly about it, that they had a big meeting and decided they had to actually travel a long, long across the desert, wherever the star went they would follow it.

Imagine them telling their wives and children – “Darling, Daddy is going on a long journey. I could be gone months, but you see I have to follow that new star.”

We know they were very rich, because they gave baby Jesus such expensive presents.
We sing a song about “We three kings” but the Bible doesn’t say how many there were, people have guessed 3 because there were 3 gifts.

Anyway, they packed provisions and loaded their camels and left on their adventure. They had a problem at one stage. 
The star disappeared. 
So they presumed they had reached the country where this new king was to be born. And of course it was Israel!
They asked people of Jerusalem – “So where’s the new king? We’ve seen his star and we’ve come to worship Him.”

The people didn’t really know what they were talking about, and King Herod got very worried. He called all the teachers of the Bible and the priests from the temple. 

He asked them what the prophets had predicted about the Messiah. They knew the answer – Bethlehem! (Later on they said Jesus wasn’t the Messiah – so you can have all the knowledge and still be very stupid!)

King Herod said the visitors must go and find this baby and then come and tell him so that he could also worship.

When they set out again they were overjoyed because the star reappeared and they could follow it to the house where Mary and Joseph and the young child Jesus were staying.

 They had probably moved out the stable and found better accommodation because the Bible says the house where they were staying.

They gave them the expensive presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

They went back home another way, because God warned them in a dream. 

After that Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt, as the angel also warned him because of  jealous King Herod.

Herod killed all the boys up to 2 years old in Bethlehem but Jesus life was spared. 


The wise men were prepared to go the extra mile and they traveled very far. They were also very generous.

Sometimes the people close by don’t see the truth. 
Many of the people living in Bethlehem and Jerusalem didn’t all recognize that Jesus was the Son of God. 

Are we prepared to go the extra for God?

Do we understand why for some people it is dangerous to be Christian? Some leaders today are like Herod and they try and kill Christians.

Challenge to Mission

Some people travel very far to be missionaries in other countries. 

We can be interested in supporting or praying for a missionary like this.


 Worksheet. The children can colour the 3 wise men in bright colours.
There are 3 mixed up words for the children to put in the correct order. 

The answers are STAR, BETHLEHEM and GIFTS.

There is a picture where the children must colour in the dots. It then shows a camel.

Memory Verse

"They knelt down and worshiped Him. They brought out their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and presented them to Him. (Matthew 2:12,13)

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 11. Bible buddies -The Shepherds

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 2:8-20

Making contact:

Discuss looking after animals. Ask the children if they have ever had a pet and how they looked after it.


God has a lot of time for people who like animals. When He made the earth, He put Adam in charge over the animals.
Adam had to name all of them and rule over them.
Even though the world is different since the fall and the curse, a lot of people are still very good with animals. 
You can often judge a person’s character by how they are with animals. People who kick dogs are really hard-hearted and cruel.

People who look after sheep are very special people. 
It’s a lowly job and done by quite poor people usually. Its long hours. 

You can’t tell the sheep you going to the movies now – who will look after them and keep wolves away and help them not to get caught in thorn bushes or fall down cliffs?

Sheep are very stupid and really need shepherds to guide them.

It was people like this – real salt of the earth people that were chosen by God to be the first to hear the good news about Jesus.

The scribes and Pharisees had been studying for years about where and when the Messiah would come, but God didn’t even bother to tell them or the rich people, but it was the shepherds He chose.

They were outside at night, looking after their sheep, probably feeling a bit sleepy and maybe struggling to stay awake. 

Maybe they took turns to have a sleep, leaning against a tree.
It must have been a huge shock when the angel appeared to them. 

There was a great light. These grown men were so afraid! The angel told them not to be afraid, that he had good news for them. 
He said this news would bring great joy to all people.

 This day, in Bethlehem, the Saviour was born.

He then gave them a clue how to find the baby – in a food trough, manger, wrapped in swaddling cloths.

Then for the first and last time that we’ve heard about in history, a whole army of angels appeared and sang a song to God’s glory.

In the book of Revelation, in his vision, John saw these angels singing. He said there were thousands and millions of them.

How wonderful for these shepherds, just simple working class people to have such a wonderful experience. 

They just left their sheep and rushed of to start looking for this baby. I wonder how long it took to go and look in all the stables in the town of Bethlehem

The town was crowded with all the visitors for the census and maybe other stables and barns were being used for the extra people. 

Eventually they found baby Jesus and they worshiped Him. 
They told Mary and Joseph what the angels had said and then they went back to their sheep.


We learn 2 very important things about these buddies of Jesus.

They really were His buddies. Ordinary people are special to Jesus!

Shepherds got this wonderful message and had the choir of heaven – much grander than all the Olympic openings!

They were obedient and excited. They went to look and they FOUND HIM!

Are we excited about Jesus? Do we obey what the Bible tells us? Do we look further when we can’t find an answer?

Challenge to Mission

 The shepherds received the good news about Jesus and were so excited by this. They told everyone they met. 
Are we excited about Jesus and do we tell others or are we just waiting for Christmas presents?


Worksheet. There are pictures to colour in.
 Another activity is to use old Christmas cards showing the shepherds and making reconditioned cards or a poster.

Memory Verse

"The angels sang: “Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth.” Luke 2:13

Year B. 4th Term. 10th Lesson. Bible buddies - The angels

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 1:11-20, 26-31   2:8-15  Matthew 1:18-24 and 2:13,19, 20

Making contact:

  Discuss angels. Are people angels? Do we become angels when we die? Has anyone ever seen an angel?


Today we are going to learn about buddies of Jesus called angels. 

We know much more about angels because when Jesus was born, some angels came to earth. They had appeared before to other people sometimes, but let’s look at what happened before the first Christmas, long ago.

At this time, the first person to see an angel before Jesus came was Zechariah while he was in the temple, in the holy place burning the incense. 
The people were all waiting outside and he took a very long time to come out. 
When he came out he couldn’t speak.

 It wasn’t from shock at seeing the angel, but disbelief. 
The angel told him that he and his old wife, Elizabeth were going to have a baby. When the baby was born, he could speak again. 

The baby was John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin who, when he was grown up, preached about repenting and getting ready for Jesus. This angel had a name; he was the angel Gabriel.

Gabriel next went to visit a young girl called Mary. She had been chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. Gabriel appeared to her to tell her this news. He first said, “Peace” and then he said, “Don’t be afraid.” 
Then he told her about the baby Jesus.

An angel also came to Joseph in a dream. He was engaged to Mary. He would have broken off the engagement when he found out that Mary was pregnant, but the angel explained to him that the baby was the Messiah, God’s Son, and he must marry Mary and look after her and name the baby “Jesus.”

Later after Jesus was born, the angel came to Joseph again and warned him. He told him to escape to Egypt because King Herod was trying to find baby Jesus and kill him. 

After the king died the angel came to Joseph in another dream and told him it was safe to go back to his own country, Israel.

The next story in the Bible about angels was the visit to the shepherds. All these people were very ordinary people. The shepherds were in the fields at night. 

They might have been dozing even, when God’s glory shone all around them. 

First there was just one angel. We are not told if it was Gabriel or not. He told the shepherds about the wonderful news that their Saviour was born that day in Bethlehem

He said they would find the baby in a strange place – an animal food trough – a manger and he was wrapped in strips of cloth.

Next a great army of angels appeared and sang beautiful praise songs to God. 
When the angels went back into heaven, the shepherds went into the town to look for the baby and found him with Mary and Joseph in a stable. 

Everything was just as the angel said.


The wonderful Christmas story gives us many clues about angels and there are other places in the Bible where we learn about them. 

Here are many other Bible verses, which the older children might like to read:

Angels are God’s messengers. Luke 1:26-31
They sing praise to God around His throne all the time. Rev 7:11
There are cherub angels. Genesis 3:24
There are seraphs with 6 wings. Isaiah 6:2
They can be visible or invisible. 2 Kings 6:17
There are many of them. Rev 5:11
There is an angel choir as big as an army. Luke 2:13
They are strengtheners. Luke 22:43
They are helpers. Matthew 4:11
They are rescuers and guardians for obedient people. Psalm 34:7
God puts His angels in charge over us to protect us wherever we go. Psalm 91:11
Gabriel is a special angel. Daniel 8:16       and Luke 1:19, 26
Michael is like a general. He is Israel’s guardian angel. Jude 9, Daniel 10:20
Gabriel and Michael are archangels 1 Thess 4:16
Angels do not die. Luke 20:36
They are all he and not she. (All the verses say “he”)
We don’t become angels when we die. Philippians 3:21 and 1 Corin 15:49
They don’t want us to worship them. Revelation 19:9,10
Some people have had angels staying with them and they didn’t know it. Hebrews 13:2
They are very strong. An angel rolled the stone away after Jesus had risen. Matthew 28:2 
Children have guardian angels. Matthew 18:10
Adults also have an angel. Acts 12:7-15
Angels rejoice when one sinner says sorry. Luke 15:10

If you do not have time to cover all these aspects just choose a few - be sure to teach the children that we DO NOT become angels when we die.
Some people comfort the families who have a child die by telling them the child is now an angel.
This is not true.
As teach them that angels are not little babies with wings - they are huge and mighty.

Also teach them not to pray to angels but only to pray to Jesus who will command His angels to help us. 

Challenge to Mission

 There are 2 things we can do.
We can pray for people, that God will send them angels to protect them.

Sometimes we must be like the angels and go and help people.


There is a worksheet. The children can make angels to hang on their Christmas tree.

Memory Verse

God will put His angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go.”
Psalm 91:11

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 9. Bible buddies - Mary, Martha and Lazarus

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 10:38-42 and John 11

Making contact:

Discuss friends and how special they are.
Isn’t it lovely to go to a friend’s house and be comfortable there? 

If tired, to rest, if thirsty to drink something, to chat, to play, to listen to music, to just be together without needing to talk.

Jesus had friends like that. There were two sisters and a brother – Mary, Martha and Lazarus. In His busy life, these friends were where He could go sometimes and feel totally at home.


Jesus was visiting these friends once and Mary was listening so intently to what Jesus was saying. Her sister Martha came and complained to Jesus: “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” 

But Jesus said that Mary had chosen well and that Martha was worried and upset about too many things.
It was also quite unusual because usually the men did not allow the women to join in their discussions and they were always just to make food and wait on them.
So Jesus was also showing that women could learn about Him too just as much as the men.

One day there was an urgent message for Jesus from His friends Mary and Martha. Their brother was very sick and please could Jesus come.

Jesus didn’t go straight away. He carried on doing His work where He was.
A few days later Jesus said to His disciples “Lazarus is sleeping, but I will go and wake him up.” 

They said to sleep was a good thing and he must be getting better. Jesus said “No, he is actually dead, but I am glad because now you will believe. Come let us go.”

When they arrived they discovered he had been dead for 4 days. 

Martha said to Jesus, “If you had been here, Lazarus would still be alive.” 
Jesus told her that Lazarus would rise. Martha agreed that on the last day we would all rise.

Mary also came to Jesus and cried. Jesus cried too and people said: “See how He loved him.”

They took Jesus to the tomb. It was a cave with a big stone. Jesus said: “Take the stone away.” Martha protested that it would be a bad smell.

Jesus prayed and then called out “Come out Lazarus!” 

Lazarus appeared all wrapped up in cloth. Jesus told the people to unwrap him. He had raised Lazarus from the dead!!


 Lazarus did die again eventually but we believe that because Jesus is the resurrection and the life and that although we too will die one day, we will be raised and be with Jesus!

We don’t have to fear death and we don’t have to be devastated when loved ones die. We are sad because we miss them, but as friends of Jesus they will be with Him. 

People who don’t like Jesus and don’t believe, unfortunately, will not even want to go to heaven. Why would they want to if they don't like Jesus?

We must spend time with Jesus now, like Mary did, sitting at His feet on prayer and reading His Word and learning about Him here at Sunday school. 

We mustn’t fret about too many other things. We must choose important things.

 Challenge to Mission

Don’t be afraid to visit old people and sick people.
Tell them about Jesus and pray with them. 

They need to know He loves them and they feel His love through your visit.

Enjoy your family members and friends and spend time with them like Jesus did with Mary, Martha and Lazarus.


 Worksheet. This shows Mary at Jesus feet and Jesus telling Martha that Mary has chosen the right thing. 
It also shows the tomb and Lazarus coming out all wrapped up.

Memory Verse

“The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them”.
 John 15:13

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 8. Bible buddy- Centurion

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 8:5-13

Making contact:

Play “Simon says” 
In this game you, the teacher, say to the children: “Simon says Salute!” 
Then the children must salute. 

Give various instructions like this, keeping to the soldier theme.
When you just say “Salute!”, without saying “Simon says” then the children mustn’t listen.

They must only follow instructions when they hear – “Simon says:”


Play sword drill.
The children hold their Bibles up and you call out a book or a verse and then they race to find it first.
This is a good game to play regularly if you have time before or after lessons.

Suggested Song

I’m in the Lord’s army


Jesus came to a town called Capernaum and a Roman Centurion, a soldier, came to Him to ask for help. 
His servant was at home sick, unable to move and suffering terribly.

Jesus said He would go to the house to make the servant well. The centurion said no, he didn’t deserve Jesus to come to his house. 

He said “Just give the order and my servant will get well. I, too, am a man under the authority and I have soldiers under me. If I give an order to go, they go and if I say: “Come”, they come. If I say: “Do this”, they do it and “Do that” they do it. So just say the word and my servant will be well.”

Jesus was so impressed. 
This man wasn’t Jewish, he was Roman, yet he had more faith than God’s people. 

Jesus said to him – “I have never found anyone in Israel with faith like this. Go home and what you believe will be done for you.” 

The servant was healed at that moment.


 How much faith do we have? 

Do we realize who Jesus is? 
 He spoke and galaxies were created. When He made the sea He gave the command and the sea stayed where it was. 
When He spoke healing, people were healed. 

Jesus has authority and we must remember that and we need to honour Him, respect, obey and trust Him more.

Who wants to be a soldier for Jesus and be in His army? 

We can help Him push back the kingdom of darkness and spread the Kingdom of light, because Jesus has said we can use His authority and say things in His name.
So we pray in Jesus name and when we are facing an enemy we can command them to leave us alone in Jesus name!

In an awful situation we may find ourselves in we can say: "Lord Jesus take control."

Challenge to Mission

Find out your marching orders. 
If you are a soldier in God’s army, He has work for you to do. 

Put on your armour as Ephesians 6 teaches us and be a good soldier for Jesus.
You can explain briefly what this spiritual armour is.


 Worksheet. The children can fill in what each piece of the soldier’s armour is.

Memory Verse

“Put on God’s armour now. You will be able to resist the enemy’s attacks and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground.” Ephesians 6:13

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 7. Bible buddy - The poor widow

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 21:1-4   Mark 12: 41-44

Making contact:

Discuss how we can give to God. 
We can’t throw money up to heaven, so how can we give to God?

We give to His work – to the church and to mission where His work can spread. 
If we don’t give, the churches will have to close down and then how will God’s work spread?

You could also discuss how much we give and that it isn’t other people seeing, but God sees and is sad or pleased.

Suggested Songs:  
A time to be giving…God loves a cheerful giver…. The windows of heaven are open.


Jesus was at the temple in Jerusalem one day and He sat down near the temple treasury. 
People were putting money in this box for God and for His work and Jesus watched each one.

Many rich people were putting in large amounts of money. Then along came a very poor widow. 

She dropped in two little copper coins, worth very little.
Jesus said to His disciples: “I tell you that this poor widow has put more in the offering box than all the others. They put in what they could spare, but she put in everything she had. She gave all she had left."


 It was possible to see how much that poor widow loved God and trusted Him. The rich people weren’t showing as much love, as they only gave what was left over. 

Our love for God can be seen by how we give to His work.

It isn’t a good idea to see if there is any money left after we’ve bought all we need. The Bible teaches us to give to God first. 
God said that the first 10% belongs to Him. It’s called a tithe. So that’s not our money at all. Offerings are what we give after the tithe.

The Bible says to try this and see how our lives will be blessed. It is a spiritual principle, like gravity is a physical principle.

Challenge to Mission

 Give money or time towards God’s work and see how the work of God spreads and grows. 

You will notice much blessing on your life, although you can’t do it for that reason.


 Worksheet. It has pictures of money around the border. The children can count how many notes there are and then work out what 10% of this amount is. This is an example of how to tithe.

Memory Verse

“Bring the full amount of your tithe to the temple. I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing.” Malachi 3:10

You could have the memory verse on pieces of paper in a purse.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 6. Bible buddy - Zacchaeus

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 19

Making contact:

Discuss the following with the children:

Have you ever felt the crowd didn’t like you? Maybe you were once in a crowd and you couldn’t see?

Discuss cheating and what we feel about cheats. Do we think Jesus would want to go and visit a cheat?


One day Jesus had to pass through the town called Jericho. There lived a very rich man who was the chief tax collector of the town.

His name was Zacchaeus.

He was very unpopular with the people because although he was Jewish, he collected taxes for the Romans- a sell out!

 He also kept some money for himself. He was a little stingy, unhappy man. He was very eager to see Jesus but couldn’t because of the crowd.

So he climbed a sycamore tree. When Jesus came near the tree He stopped and looked up. He said, “Zacchaeus, come down out of the tree. I want to come and visit you at your house.” 

I think Zack nearly fell out of the tree in shock and delight!

The people weren’t very pleased about this and they grumbled!

Zacchaeus said to Jesus that this day he wanted to give away half of what he owned to the poor and if he had cheated anyone, he would pay them back four times what he took.

Jesus was so pleased with Zacchaeus, and He said: “Today salvation has entered this house. This is a child of Abraham and I came to seek and save lost people like this.”


We can never be too bad for Jesus to love us and save us. We can also show Him that we want help.

Maybe we can also make a fool of ourselves? Would you climb a tree to see Jesus, or walk far, or give up a party, or give up sleep on a Sunday morning?

Some people couldn’t be bothered and they don’t even come to church.

Remember Jesus can always see where you are and if you are unhappy and you hide in a tree or cupboard.  Jesus comes and visits and helps you feel better.

Challenge to Mission

 Sometimes the people who are mean to us or cheating are actually unhappy people who need a friend. 
They definitely need Jesus. Remember a wounded animal hurts others because it is hurting. 

People are like that too.
Maybe as difficult as it is you could show them love and visit them and tell them about Jesus. Maybe salvation will come to their house that day!


Worksheet. There is a word search on the worksheet. The children can use this list of words to tell the story.

Memory Verse

“The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.” Luke 19:10

Have a picture or drawing of a tree and stick the memory verse flashcards in the tree with presstik.
You could go outside to a tree where you have hung the flashcards. The children must get them and read them. 
Be careful with this exercise. It has to be a suitable tree. You could use a pot plant.

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 5. Bible buddy - One thankful leper

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 17

Making contact:

Discuss what it means to be grateful and how important it is to say thanks. 

As an experiment you could hand out something like a little sweet each and count how many of the children say thank you.

Suggested songs:

Ten sick lepers  (Tune Ten Green Bottles)

Ten sick lepers wanting to be healed
Ten sick lepers wanting to be healed
And if Jesus Christ should come and heal them all
There’ll be no sick lepers wanting to be healed

Nine healed lepers run to show the priests
Nine healed lepers run to show the priests
And if they don’t stop to thank the Lord
There’ll be nine ungrateful lepers who forgot to thank the Lord

One healed leper runs back to thank the Lord
One healed leper runs back to thank the Lord
And if all God’s children would only stop to say:
“Thank You, Jesus for helping me today.”

 Other song suggestions:
Count your blessings name them one by one
Thank you Jesus, Amen
Thank you Lord for this fine day
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.


Jesus was going into a village one day when ten men who had a dreaded skin disease called leprosy met him. 

They stood at a distance, because they weren’t allowed to come near people. They had left their homes and families and were thrown away by society and left to rot and die. 

They shouted: “Jesus! Master! Have pity on us!” 

Jesus saw them and told them to go and present themselves to the priests at the temple.
On their way there they were healed. 

One of them, a Samaritan, turned back and found Jesus and fell at His feet to thank Him. Jesus said to him: 
There were ten men who were healed, where are the other nine? Why is this foreigner the only one who came back to give thanks to God.? 

Then Jesus said: “Get up and go; your faith has made you well.”


 Only one leper out of ten came back to thank Jesus. 

Are you part of the nine or are you the one who always says thank you?

Sometimes our prayers to Jesus look like shopping lists of all we want God to do for us. Make your list a thank you list and count all your blessings. 

Try and begin your prayers with thanks and praise.

Use the tsp method. TSP = Thank you. Sorry. Please.

Challenge to Mission

Jesus wasn’t scared of these sick people and He prayed for them. We must also help people and pray for them in Jesus name. 

Many people are sick with HIV and AIDS and we need to care for them and not throw them away like lepers. 

We can give food, visit them and tell them about Jesus. 

They need to know that Jesus loves them and wants to help them. They might die sooner than we will, but we all have to die someday, whether we have AIDS or not, so we all need to be born again and washed of our sins.

Jesus cares very much that we reach out and help the suffering people in our world.


 Worksheet. The children must tick 1 block out of 10 to show how many lepers said thank you.

 There is also a teaspoon prayer – teaching the pattern of  Thank You, Sorry and Please praying.

Memory Verse

“Be joyful always. Pray at all times and be thankful in all circumstances.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and 17

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 4. Bible buddy- Little boy who shared his lunch

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9 and John 6

Making contact:

Take the children outside if possible for a little picnic. They probably need to share. It might be a good idea for you to make extra sandwiches for them. 

As they eat their bread, tell them the story.


Jesus wanted to take His disciples to a quiet place after all the crowds of people who He had been teaching and healing, but the crowds followed them.

 There were over 5 000 men plus women and children. Jesus taught them and prayed for them. It was getting late and the people were hungry. 

Jesus said His disciples must give them something to eat. They said they couldn’t – it would be 8 months salary to feed all those people.

Andrew, Peter’s brother spoke up. He said there was a little boy with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish, but that was a drop in the ocean.

 This little boy must have been such a special little fellow, because he gave his lunch to Jesus. If you were hungry and wanted to eat, it would be difficult to give it away. 

I think this boy knew that Jesus was special. Sometimes children have more faith and love than adults!

Well, Jesus held the food in His hands and said grace. (By the way if Jesus gave thanks for food, then so should we.) 

He then started breaking the bread up into pieces. He handed these pieces to the disciples who grouped the people into rows of 50 and 100.

They handed out the fish and the bread and the whole crowd ate as much as they wanted. The disciples then collected up what hadn’t been eaten and there were 12 baskets – one for each disciple!


Do you believe that Jesus can feed you? When we pray the prayer He taught us, we say, “Give us today our daily bread.”

I believe we can trust Jesus to give us food and I don’t think we should steal or beg. Those who have a lot should share like the little boy and pray that God will increase it to feed all the hungry people so that they don’t have to beg or steal.

Challenge to Mission

There are many hungry people, waiting for Jesus and the little boy. 

You are one of God's children who can help Jesus feed the hungry people. Trust Him to use you and pray for ways to help. 

Share the little you have and watch for miracles.

Jesus said that one day when we all stand before Him, He is going to ask who fed the hungry, visited the sick etc because this shows who His true children are.


 Worksheet. There is an extra sheet with a word search.

Memory Verse

“Do not forget to do good and to share with others.” Hebrews 13:16

Write the memory verse on cardboard shapes that look like bread.
You could use little bread rolls and tuck a piece of paper in each bread roll with 2 or 3 words from the memory verse on. Break the rolls open to find the memory verse and distribute the bread.
 You could also use one loaf of bread and hand out chunks after you have “found “ the memory verse.
This activity could be done at the beginning of the lesson instead of the picnic.

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 3. Bible buddy - The woman at the well.

 Advance note to teachers. You could ask the children to bring a packed lunch – just simple sandwiches for next week. See lesson.

Scripture: for teacher background:  John 4:1-41

Suggested songs: 

"I am feasting on the living bread, I am drinking at the fountainhead………Fill my cup Lord……..”

Making contact:

Play a quick running game to get the children thirsty and then give them water to drink. While they are having it talk about taps and where our water comes from. Ask them if they know what a well is and show them a picture.


Jesus and His friends were traveling through the country and they were hot and tired. 

They came to a village in Samaria. The Jewish people didn’t really even speak to these people because they were half Jews, but Jesus sat at the well outside the town while His disciples went in to buy food.

It was midday, a time when no one usually came to the well, but a woman came. She avoided the other women because they hated her.

She had been married 5 times and now was living with a man. She was very surprised when Jesus spoke to her. 

Men didn’t usually speak to strange woman and definitely not a Jewish man to a Samaritan woman.

She asked Him about this and Jesus said if she knew just who was speaking to her she would have asked Him for a drink of water. 

By now she was very confused. “You don’t have a bucket – how could you possibly give me water?” she asked. 
Jesus told her that people who drank from that well would get thirsty again, but if they drank of the living water, they would never be thirsty again. 

She said she’d like some of that water, so Jesus told her to fetch her husband. She said she didn’t have a husband. 

Jesus said he knew all about her 5 husbands and what was going on in her life.

She said He must be a prophet and asked Him where God should be worshiped – at the temple or on a mountain.

 Jesus said God wanted people to worship Him in spirit and in truth – genuine worship.

The woman said that when the Messiah came He would explain all these things. Jesus then told her that He was the Messiah.

She got so excited that she left her water jar and rushed off to tell the whole town that they must come and meet her new friend – the Messiah!

Jesus and His friends stayed there for 2 days and many people there became believers.


We can spend our whole lives searching for something to quench that deep thirst inside us – we can do well at school, have lots of toys and sweets, have a good career, own a house and a car and every thing that open and shuts, but those things don’t satisfy. 

The richest people in the world are still thirsty. Only Jesus can fill us with living water and when we love Him and follow Him it’s as if we have a well inside us which bubbles up with life-giving water.

We can teach others about this and must never think that some people are beneath us, like the Jews did with the Samaritans.

Challenge to Mission

Can you take living water to some thirsty person? By that we mean take them the Gospel message about Jesus.
 Begin by praying that God will make them thirsty and then at the right time you can be brave and tell them how Jesus will quench that inner, deep down, spiritual thirst.


The children could make a well out of the insides of toilet rolls. Inside could be the memory verse on a piece of paper and string.

Memory Verse

"Jesus said: “Whoever drinks the water that I give will never be thirsty again.” John 4:14

Put the memory verses on cardboard shapes of cups, or cardboard water drops or taps.

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 2. Bible buddy - Nicodemus

Scripture: for teacher background:  John 3

Making contact: 

Talk about how people and animals have their young. Some babies are born, like we are, and some have eggs that hatch, like chicks. 

When we believe in Jesus, we are born in a different way. We are born again and today’s buddy learnt how, from Jesus.


There was a leader in the synagogue who was a Pharisee. His name was Nicodemus.
 He didn’t want the other Pharisees to see him talking to Jesus because they really didn’t like Jesus and what He was teaching.
But Nicodemus was curious, so he sneaked around at night and went to visit Jesus.

 He said to Him, “Teacher, I know You are sent from God, because no one could perform the miracles that You are doing unless God was with Him.” 

Jesus answered in a very strange way. He said, “I am telling you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

Now Nicodemus knew a little about babies being born and he asked Jesus, “How can a grown up be born again? He certainly can’t get back inside his mother’s womb and be born a second time!”

Jesus explained that it meant you had to be born of water and the Spirit.
You are born physically the first time, but that’s not enough, you need to be born spiritually of the Spirit of God – born again.
It’s like the wind – you don’t know where it is coming from or going. It is a mystery that happens when you believe.

 He then told Nicodemus that God loved the world so much that He sent His Son and that if anyone believes in Him, that person will not die spiritually, but will have eternal life.

Jesus said He had come into the world as a light, but people loved darkness and sin and evil and they weren’t born again. 

Some people hated Him because of the light. Even the religious leaders couldn’t see the light.

We don’t hear about Nicodemus again until the end of the Gospel, so maybe he was a secret follower. But we know that he listened to Jesus and became a Christian, a Jesus follower, because when Jesus was dying on the cross, Nicodemus wasn’t secretive any more.

He carried 30 kg of spices – a mixture of myrrh and aloes, and went with Joseph of Arimathea, to wrap Jesus’ body in linen and these spices. 

This was the Jewish custom and it showed how much Nicodemus loved Jesus when he did this.


Are you born again? 
Do you know how to become born again? 

You ask Jesus to wash your sins away with His blood and then ask Him to come and live in your heart. 

You tell Him you want to be His child and follow Him all your life. You pray to Him and live with Him every day.

You might be shy and maybe you’ll be mocked, but don’t be a secret follower of Jesus. 

Be proud that you have His name – a CHRISTIAN.

Teach the children the song: 
Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus…..Sit down and whisper if you love my Lord…….I want to know, yes I want to know…Do you love my Lord?

Challenge to Mission

We need to openly confess that we love Jesus, openly serve Him and glorify Him by bravely telling others about Jesus.

We need to willingly help people who need the love of Jesus in their lives. Usually people are more willing to listen to the Gospel if they can see the love of Jesus in action.


There is a worksheet. It has a prayer for children to pray if they want to become God’s children.

Memory Verse 

“No one can see the  Kingdom of God unless they are born again.”  John 3:3

Year B. 4th Term. Lesson 1. Bible buddy - Peter.

Scripture: for teacher background:  Luke 5  John 1:35-42

Making contact:

Use sticks with string and magnets to “catch” cardboard fish that have a paper clip on the end. You could have the memory verse on these and do this as an introduction, instead of at the end.

Alternatively you could discuss the Christian symbol of the fish.
 It stands for IXOYC - The Greek word for fish is “Ichthus” 

This is made up of the initial letters of the words “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Saviour.” When the early Christians were being persecuted the fish drawing was a secret signal between them. 

Today, some Christians still use the fish symbol, perhaps on car bumpers to tell other Christians that we also love Jesus.


We are now going to learn about some of Jesus’ buddies in the New Testament. The first one was a very special friend of Jesus. He was a very interesting character who made lots of mistakes, but Jesus chose him – just an ordinary fisherman.

We first hear about him as Simon. (Jesus called him Peter and this means Rock.)
He had a brother called Andrew who was a friend of John the Baptist.  When he met Jesus, he said to his brother – “Come and see, I have found the Messiah!”

Andrew and Simon were both fisherman on Lake Galilee.

One day Jesus used Simon’s boat to preach from. He pushed off a little way from the shore and taught the people. 
When he had finished speaking He said – “Push your boat out further to deep water and let down the nets to catch fish.” 

Simon said they’d been fishing all night and caught nothing, but he decided to listen to Jesus’ advice. They caught so many fish that their friends in the other boat had to come and help them. 

Both the boats were so full of fish that they were about to sink.
Simon Peter got on his knees in front of Jesus and said – “I am just a sinful man – Go away from me.” 
But Jesus said – “Don’t be afraid – from now on you will be catching men.” 

Jesus gave him the new name of Peter, which means rock and later on He told Peter that he was going to build His church on Him. Peter did become the first minister.

Peter and the other fishermen pulled up the boats on the beach, left everything and followed Jesus.

Peter was quite often the spokesman of the group of Jesus disciples, but sometimes he really said the wrong thing and Jesus spoke to him sternly. 

During a bad storm, Peter was just as scared as the other disciples and Jesus asked them where their faith was. Other times Peter showed such faith.

One day, Peter’s mother-in-law was sick and Jesus healed her. She got up and served the disciples some food. 
Peter watched Jesus heal many, many people and one day he and 2 other disciples were allowed in the room when Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead.

Jesus needed money to pay the temple tax for the disciples so He told Peter to catch a fish and look inside. There was a coin inside which paid the tax.

There was the amazing experience Peter had when Jesus walked on the water towards their boat and Peter stepped out the boat and walked on water. Then his faith failed him and he started to sink, but Jesus rescued him.
Jesus asked once who people were saying He was and who the disciples thought He was. Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Peter was one of three disciples who climbed a mountain with Jesus. 
Jesus was transfigured – He shone like a bright light and Moses and Elijah talked with Him. 
Peter wanted to build tents so they could stay there. God spoke to Peter and told him to listen to Jesus.

At the last supper Jesus wanted to wash the disciples’ feet and at first Peter said no, but Jesus said then he couldn’t be His friend.

When Jesus began telling his friends that he was going to die, Peter said he’d die with Him, but Jesus warned him and said he was about to deny Him – that before the rooster crowed he would say 3 times that he didn’t know Jesus. 

This happened just as Jesus said and Peter was heartbroken. After Jesus died, it was Peter who was at that tomb early in the morning and Jesus appeared and spoke to him. How happy Peter was that Jesus rose from death!

A while later, Peter and the others had gone back fishing and they could see someone on the water’s edge – it was Jesus. He told them to cast their nets on the other side. Again they caught a miraculous amount of fish.

Later, Peter and Jesus had a good talk and Peter told Jesus how much He loved him. Jesus told him to look after all the Christians and to help them grow. 

Peter preached the first sermon on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit came and he was the leader of the first church in Jerusalem. Years later he became a martyr – dying for Jesus. He was crucified upside down.
He was a good friend to Jesus and we can learn so many lessons from him.


Peter was called by Jesus, like we are, and even although he made mistakes, he learned from them and became very wise. 
He was so passionate about following Jesus. 
You can read his 2 short letters near the end of the Bible to see how our rough fisherman buddy became a wonderful minister of God.

Challenge to Mission

 We don’t hear much about Andrew, but he was also a good Buddy of Jesus and he was the one who introduced his brother, Simon, to Jesus. 

Have you introduced your family members and friends to Jesus?


 There is a worksheet. There is an extra page showing the highs and lows of Peter’s life. 

For the older children, a very meaningful exercise is to plot a graph of the ups and downs of Peter’s life.

Memory Verse.

"Jesus told Peter, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you will bring in people instead of fish.” Luke 5:10