Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Year C. 4th Term.Lesson 1. Bible Buddy - PETER

Scripture: for teacher background:  Acts 2,3,4 and 9:32-43 and Ch12

Making contact:

Make paper jets with the memory verse written on them and use them in your introduction.

What would you think if you saw two grown men playing with a kite every day and writing things down every time it came down? 

At the beginning of last century there were two brothers who did this. They were the Wright brothers.

They believed that a machine could fly and they did many experiments. Other people mocked them and even said they should be put in jail for being crazy. 
But they believed and with lots of courage they invented the first aeroplane. They were RIGHT and the others were wrong.

In the Bible we read about people who also believed something so strongly that they were put in jail. The question for you to think about – were they right?


We are going to learn about some friends of Jesus in the first church. This is straight after Jesus had died, risen and ascended. 

At first His friends were very scared, but then Pentecost happened and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they bravely and boldly began spreading the message. 

All these stories are written in the book in the Bible called the Acts of the Apostles. ‘Apostles’ was the name given to these disciples of Jesus, meaning ‘leaders’.

The leader of these apostles was our fisherman friend called Peter – remember him?

On the day of Pentecost he preached to the people and 3 000 believed and became Christians.
They all prayed together and had lessons like we are and had communion like Jesus taught them to have.

One day Peter and John were going to the temple to pray and at the gate was a beggar. He was lame and every day he sat there to ask for money. 
He begged Peter and John to give him money. They stopped and Peter said:” I have no money for you, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I command you to get up and walk.” 

He did!! He jumped and ran!
He went into the temple and praised God. 

Some priests, officers and temple guards arrived and arrested Peter and John and threw them into jail. The next day they had to come before the High Priest and others and they were asked how they did this. Peter told them all about the power of Jesus and how they had crucified Him but He was raised from death.

They didn’t know what to say, so they released the men telling them that they were not allowed to preach in the name of Jesus any more.

Peter said that they couldn’t stop speaking of what they had seen and heard.

Peter and John went back to all the other believers and they praised God together. They asked God to make them bold and help them to carry on spreading the Good News. The building where they were meeting shook with the power of God.

Much later on Peter was arrested again, this time by King Herod. 
His friend James was put to death by a sword and Peter was going to be next. 

Peter was in jail and he was fast asleep with two guards. He was chained and there were two other guards on duty at the prison gate. 

Suddenly an angel was shaking him to wake him up. The chains just fell off Peter and he put his sandals on and followed the angel out of the prison. 

He actually thought he was dreaming. The gate opened for him and then the angel left him. He went to the house where the rest of the disciples were praying all night for him. 

Peter knocked on the door and Rhoda the servant girl saw who it was. She was so excited that she ran to tell the others but forgot to let him in.

 Eventually he went inside and told everyone what had happened. They were amazed. The next morning Herod sent for Peter and when he couldn’t be found in jail, he had all those guards put to death.

Peter traveled everywhere and one day he was called to go to Joppa because a wonderful lady there called Dorcas had died. 
The people loved her and they all gathered around him and showed him the clothes she had made for them. He was taken upstairs were her body lay. 

He knelt down and prayed and then he said “Get up!” 
She did and everyone was amazed and praised God. The news spread everywhere.

Quick Quiz

1.What does Peter’s name mean? (Rock)
2.What was Peter’s brother’s name? (Andrew)
3.What was Peter’s occupation? (Fisherman)
4.What did He say about Jesus when Jesus asked who he thought He was? (Son of God)
5.How many times did Peter deny Jesus? (3)
6.What did Peter walk on to meet Jesus? (Water)
7.How many people were converted when Peter first preached? (3 000)
8.What books in the Bible did he write? (First and 2nd letters of Peter)
9. In whose name did he heal the lame man? (Jesus)
10. What was the lady’s name that he prayed would live again? (Dorcas)


 It is so amazing to think that Peter could be the same man who denied Jesus. He was a strong leader and believed in the power of the name of Jesus. 

He wasn’t afraid even in jail. He was so secure that he was fast asleep and the angel had to shake him to wake him up. That is wonderful faith.

We can also grow like Peter, even if we let Jesus down sometimes, we can also become stronger and do more and more things in His name.

There will be times for us when just like Peter and John we will have to decide whether to obey the voices of people or the voice of God. 

The leaders told Peter and John not to speak about Jesus. God told them to spread the news. Who did they listen to and whom will you listen to?

 A friend might encourage you to steal. Do you listen to that voice or the voice of God telling you that all stealing is wrong?

Will you keep quiet about the Gospel if you are ever told to? Is it the right thing to spread the Gospel? See Matthew 28:19,20

Challenge to Mission

Peter gave his whole life to spread the Gospel and went everywhere telling people about Jesus. He knew it was the right thing to do and even if he suffered he carried on anyway. 

Who can we tell this week that Jesus loves them and died for them?


There is a work sheet of pictures showing Peter preaching and healing. There are the 10 quiz questions too and the memory verse.

Memory Verse

“We cannot stop speaking of what we ourselves have seen and heard” Acts 4:20

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