Monday 19 March 2018

Year C. 2nd Term. Lesson 11. Love Languages - GIFTS

(I repeat : The basic idea for this series come from Gary Chapman’s books on the 5 love Languages. There is a book for married couples and about children. I have taken his principles and turned them into lessons to teach the children how to express love in 5 main ways. I highly recommend these books. Another excellent book is by Ross Campbell “How to really love your child.” He actually helped Gary write the children’s book on love languages. Anyone working with children needs these tools.)

Scripture: for teacher background:  Phil 4:19 Paul says he received gifts and they were like a fragrant offering to God.
Luke 6:38 Jesus says to give a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over and with the measure we use to give to others it will be measured to us.
2 Cor 9:11 God loves a cheerful giver.

Making contact:

There is a very lovely illustration with a folded box. It starts off like a gift box and as it is unties it opens out into a cross. You can experiment how to cut the cardboard first by using a piece of paper. The best gift is that Jesus died for me.


When we give something to someone, it tells the person that we love him or her in a very tangible way. They can touch and hold their present and know that we love them. We all like receiving presents and it is also such fun to give presents.

We don’t have to wait until birthdays or Christmas comes around, sometimes we can just give someone a present and tell the person it’s because we love him or her.

It also doesn’t have to cost very much – it can be a flower we pick (with permission) or a handmade craft. It can be an apple for the teacher, or an interestingly shaped seed you found on the ground.

You could even grow some veggies and take gifts of fresh veggies to someone. Adults really like that. A child might prefer a sweet.
Sometimes if you win a prize, you could pass that on to someone you love.
You can draw a picture or write a poem.

Maybe you have book that you want to give someone. Tell them it was yours and that you enjoyed it but now you would like them to have it.

You can also cook some food or bake some cookies. There are some easy recipes with Marie biscuits that work well.


Some people need a little gift to believe that we really do love them. It can be very simple things. It is important to bless others like this when we can. God’s gift did cost Him a lot – it cost His life!

Challenge to Mission

Start collecting things that can be given to the very poor children at Christmas time.
You could donate a bar of soap, or tube of toothpaste. You could see which clothes don’t fit you any more. You could also embroider around a face cloth.


The worksheet has ideas of who to give gifts to and examples of gifts. The children can stick little bits of pretty paper and ribbon on the big picture of a gift.

Make a photo frame by cutting out the cardboard shape and then tear out from a magazine all sections of one colour. Tear strips about 3 or 4 cam wide and long enough to around the cardboard. Overlap all the pieces.
E.g. If you choose blue then tear out bits of sea and sky, a blue dress or car and then fold over the frame and stick at the back.
It is a lovely present. Maybe it can be for Father’s Day. Just be sensitive about this for children who don’t have fathers.

Memory Verse

"Every good gift and every perfect present comes from Heaven; it comes down from God.” James 1:17

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