Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Hamburger Series - INTRODUCTION for teachers: Jesus seven 'I AM" sayings

This series teaches the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus. 

I got this idea from SANSSA years ago where a hamburger is used to teach the I AM sayings.

It is helpful to make a big poster of a hamburger and each week to stick the memory verse on the poster.

You can also prepare stickers of burgers to use each week for the memory verses if the children have a little booklet or worksheets.

Memory verses should be RETAINED memory from the previous week, before moving onto a new verse.


Preparation for Hamburger Day

After reading through all the lessons for this series you need to decide how you will bring it all to a close. 
You can plan a Hamburger Day and during Sunday school get the children to recite their memory verses to receive each part of their real burger?

You could include the whole church family and involve the parents to prepare the burgers and even join in saying memory verses.

Whatever you decide to do, remember to plan ahead and get others to help with the food preparation.


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