Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Year C. 4th Term. Lesson 3. Bible Buddies: STEPHEN and PHILIP

Scripture: for teacher background:  Acts 6,7,8:26-40

Making contact:

Play a game of guessing who has been chosen. Send a child out of the room. Always send a teacher or helper with them to look after them. 

Select one child in the room to be the one!

Call the first child back and give them 4 chances to guess who was chosen. Some children just give the game away by having the broadest smile on their face.

Tell them that we have all been chosen to be God’s children and that we have also been chosen to serve Him. 

I know that you can easily guess that I have been chosen by God to teach Sunday school and look at the broad smile on my face!


A) The First Christian Martyr

The apostles were so busy in those early days. They were preaching and teaching and praying and sorting out problems with funds for the poor widows. 

They decided they needed to appoint seven people who would be in charge of the finances and administration.

One of these was a man named Stephen who was richly blessed by God. He was full of the Holy Spirit and power.

He was serving God so well, but some people from the synagogue started arguing with him. They took him before the Temple Council and had a court case against him.

 When it was his turn to speak he told them all about how the Old Testament pointed to Jesus. It was a wonderful lesson and you can read it all in Acts 7. But the people were furious and were grinding their teeth.

Stephen looked up and said that he could see Heaven and God’s glory and Jesus standing there. They covered their ears and shouted and threw him out of the city. 

They stoned him to death. The men throwing the heavy rocks at Stephen gave their cloaks to a young man to hold who stood there approving of his death. 

This man’s name was Saul. Remember that for another lesson.

Just before he died he prayed “Lord receive my spirit and please forgive these people. Do not hold this sin against them.”

Stephen was the first Christian martyr – the first person to die for Jesus. He had done nothing wrong. All he had done was to speak about Jesus. 

Even in some countries today, people who talk about Jesus are put to death.

We may not be called on to die for Jesus but we may be persecuted in other ways. People may mock us or gang up against us and make us feel stupid and different. 

Are you prepared to suffer for Jesus and forgive those who persecute you? Will you be loyal? Jesus will give you strength.

B) The Vanishing Evangelist

 One day an angel told Philip to go to the road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. That was a strange instruction. What was he to do that for? He didn’t argue but just obeyed.

A very important official from Ethiopia was travelling along that road that day.

He was the treasurer for Queen Candice of Ethiopia and he had been to Jerusalem to worship God. Gentiles were allowed in the outside courts of the temple.

The Holy Spirit spoke inside Philip’s heart and told him to go and run next to the carriage.
Even stranger! 

As he did this he heard the Ethiopian reading from the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. So this gave Philip an idea. 

He started up a conversation – just like your mother does in lifts and shopping queues! This was a total stranger but Philip started talking to him about what he was reading.

 “Do you understand what you are reading?” He asked the man.
“How can I if no one explains it to me?” said the man. 

He invited Philip to get up into the carriage and Philip explained that the prophet Isaiah was talking about Jesus. 

It was the passage that speaks about a sheep that is slaughtered.
Philip told him all about how Jesus had died and been raised from the dead. As they traveled along, they came to a river and the Ethiopian asked if he could be baptized there, straight away. 

He became a Christian.

When they came out of the river Philip was whisked away by the Holy Spirit and just found himself in another town! 
He preached about Jesus in every town he went to.

The Ethiopian went back home to his country Ethiopia.


This Ethiopian man was the first Christian in Africa
He probably went back home and spread the Gospel as the first missionary to Africa

We are very grateful that over the centuries people like the Ethiopian and Philip have faithfully been spreading the Gospel so that today you and I know all about it. 

We must carry on this important job.
God used Philip because he was obedient even when the instructions seemed strange. He was able to explain to the man all about Jesus and how to become a Christian. Do you know how to do this?

Challenge to Mission

 The message must spread and we must do our part. Think about who told you and how that person is a missionary for God. 

You too can be God’s missionary at home or somewhere on the road or in another town.


On the worksheet is the memory verse, a picture of someone running next to a carriage and a simple song. 

They children can write other verses E.g. 'I’ll be somewhere singing for my Lord, speaking…'

This is a simple song that describes what Philip was doing for His Lord.

On the Highways
On the highways; on the by-ways
On the highways and on the by-ways
On the highways and on the by-ways
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
For my Lord

I’ll be somewhere WORKING
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
For my Lord.
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
I’ll be somewhere WORKING
For my Lord.

Memory Verse

“Do the work of a preacher of the Good News and perform your duty as a servant of God.” 2 Timothy 4:5

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