Scripture: for teacher background: Matthew 25:31-46
Making contact:
Play a game with follow-my-leader.
Jesus told this story about the end times. He said that when
the Son of Man will appear in glory, surrounded by angels, to take His rightful
place upon the throne, all the people will be gathered in front of Him.
Just as
a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, He will divide up the people,
placing the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.
Then the King will
say to the people on His right: “Come and inherit the Kingdom that belongs to
you. It is yours because when I was hungry you fed Me.
When I was thirsty you
offered Me a drink, when I was a stranger, you welcomed Me into your home; when
My clothes were in rags you gave Me new ones, when I was ill you cared for Me
and when I as in prison, You visited me.
And the good people will reply: But Lord, we have never seen
you hungry and fed You, or thirsty and given You a drink. When did we invite
You into our homes? When did we give You new clothes? We have never seen You
sick or a prisoner and come to visit You.
But the King will reply, “The truth is that whenever you did
something like this for a brother or sister of Mine, you did it for Me. (These are like obedient
Then He will turn to the people on His left and say: “You
are cursed! Whenever I was hungry or thirsty, you offered Me nothing. When I
was a stranger you shut the door in My face, when My clothes were in rags, you
ignored Me and when I was sick and in prison you just left Me there.”
They will reply: “Lord, we never saw You in trouble like
this. How could we help You?
The truth is,” He will reply, “that every time you chose to
ignore one of the least significant people, you ignored Me.”
Then they will be sent away to eternal punishment, but the
people who have done what is right will enjoy eternal life.
In a letter than Jesus sent to the churches after He had gone back to heaven, He said He didn't like it when people were luke warm. They needed to be hot or even cold. He warned He would spit out luke warm people!
Some people would think that this parable is teaching that
all good, kind, generous people go to heaven.
All the other parables and
teachings in the Bible show us very clearly that belonging to Jesus is the only
way, but people who do belong to Him will behave in this kind and compassionate way.
They will bear fruit. Christians should be feeding hungry
people, visiting prisoners or doing other wonderful things for people in need.
It is Jesus who put the love there to do these wonderful things.
Challenge to Mission
Are we filled to the brim with compassion for people who
need some help? Who should we help this week or is there a project we should
join to do something on a regular basis?
The worksheet has a picture of a sheep and a goat. The
children must label which is which.
There are mixed up letters of what Jesus wants us to do:
The memory verse can be presented in cups – a word or phrase
in each cup.
Memory Verse
“I know that you are neither hot nor cold. Because you are
lukewarm, I am going to spit you out of my mouth!” Revelation 3:15,16
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