Sunday, 18 March 2018

Year C. 2nd Term. Lesson 5. Parable Series - The Pearl and the treasure (Can use this lesson on Mother's Day)

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 13:44-46

Making contact:

Hide sweets around the room or outside and let the children go and look for them. They are only allowed one and they can help any child who is struggling to find one.


Jesus told these parables to show what it is like to find the Kingdom of God

What did He mean by the Kingdom of God
The word king gives a clue. It is anywhere where Jesus is the King. 

It is right here right now and it is later in heaven. You can have the Kingdom of God in your own heart, if you ask Jesus to be your King and Saviour.

Jesus said there was a man who was busy digging in a field, working hard. Imagine his surprise when he found a treasure hidden in that field.

He covered it up and went and sold everything he had so that he could afford to buy that field. 
He knew that if he bought that field he would then own the treasure.

 That treasure must have been amazing that he would do that! He was absolutely allowed to do this.

The other parable is similar. Jesus said there was a man who was a trader, a businessman looking to buy fine pearls. He then found an absolutely beautiful pearl. 

He went and sold all his possessions so that he could afford to buy that beautiful pearl.


One day something like this really happened.

 In 1947, two Bedouin boys in Israel were looking after their sheep and goats. They were next to some cliffs near the Dead Sea.

 One of the animals went missing and the one boy went to look for it. He threw a stone into a deep cave. He heard the sound of breaking pottery. When the two boys got inside to see what it was they found pottery jars with roll upon roll of leather.

 They had made one of the largest archaeological finds of modern times. These were the Dead Sea Scrolls – hidden away for thousands of years and so useful in seeing that the Bible has been copied correctly down the centuries.

What was Jesus teaching us about the Kingdom of God in these two parables? 

Jesus said that God’s Kingdom is SO precious that nothing can’t be given up for it. 

The treasure is Jesus. 

When you realize who He is and how much He loves you, you are willing to give up anything to follow Him. 

Matthew, who wrote the Gospel, left his job as a tax collector to follow Jesus. Paul gave up all his proud privileges as an important Jew to follow Jesus.

Challenge to Mission

How precious is Jesus to you? 

If He calls you to give up some other dream to be famous or something like that, could you do it, to follow Him with all your heart?

What about the precious people we call MOTHERS? They are so very special like pearls and we need to honour them. 
Tell them what they mean and thank them for being there for you. Try and make today extra special but remember to always appreciate them.


The worksheet has pictures of the pearl. If you can get any kind of cheap plastic pearl to stick on the paper, that would be lovely. 

Make Mother’s day cards. If possible the children could make a necklace for their mothers. Be very sensitive if there are children who don’t have mothers.

Memory Verse

“How precious, O God is Your constant love. You are the source of all life.”
 Psalm 36:7 and 9

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