Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Year C. 4th Term. Lesson 5. Bible Buddies: BARNABAS and TIMOTHY

Scripture: for teacher background:  Acts 9:26,27 Ch 11:19-26, Ch 13:1-5 Ch 16:1-5 1 Timothy 1:1-7; 2 Timothy 3:15

 Making contact:

Take the first name of each child and think of a word to describe each person, beginning with the same letter as his or her name. E.g.  “Strong Simon.”

Otherwise get the children to give ideas of what nice things you could say about each child. “What I like about Susan is that she is truthful and helpful.”

You could set up an obstacle course with tables and chairs and put the children in pairs to help each other go over and under the tables and chairs. 
You could make it a rule that they have to keep holding hands and if they let go they have to start again.

Explain to the children how good it is to be an encouraging person and a helper and how good everyone feels when they are encouraged and helped.


The Bible tells us about someone who was a really encouraging person and a helper. His name was Barnabas.

Do you remember how Paul was persecuting the Christians but changed and became such a zealous preacher?

Well, the Christians were nervous of him and some didn’t believe that he was a disciple. Barnabas came to his help and took him to the apostles.

 He explained the whole story to them. Because of Barnabas’ encouragement, Paul stayed in Jerusalem for a while and preached about Jesus. 

However, some Jews were furious and tried to kill him, so he went away.

Barnabas always seemed to be encouraging. We read about him again in a town called Antioch. The leaders had sent him there to encourage the believers there. 

He decided he needed to go and find Paul. Barnabas and Paul stayed in Antioch and taught the people there. 

It was here that believers in Jesus Christ were first called Christians.
Later on Barnabas joined Paul on his first missionary journey.

Another very good friend and helper for Paul was young Timothy.

We first read about his granny called Lois and his mother called Eunice.

Eunice had a son named Timothy. His father was Greek and Eunice and Lois were Jewish. His mother and grandmother taught him all the stories in the Old Testament.

 They hadn’t heard about Jesus yet. When Paul came to their town and preached, they believed and were baptized. 

They taught the boy Timothy all about being a Christian. Paul visited a few years later and the boy Timothy had grown into a fine young man.

Paul asked if Timothy would travel with him and be his secretary and help him spread the Gospel. Sometimes Paul sent Timothy to churches to help teach the people. He often preached. Timothy was like a son to Paul.

Two of Paul’s letters to Timothy still exist. They are in the Bible. 

I have kept some letters from my mother – that’s one generation ago. Imagine keeping letters from 2 000 years ago!

Sometime why don’t you sit down and read what Paul was telling Timothy. It is still good advice for us today and especially for young people.


Guess what Barnabas’ name means? (Encourager). Let’s all be encouragers and help other people. Let’s be positive and humble like Barnabas.

It is wonderful to learn about a child who grew up to be a teacher and preacher in the church. Timothy is a wonderful example to all of us.

His granny and mother are also good examples. I am sure many of you first learnt about Jesus when you were little and sitting on your mother’s lap while she read you Bible stories.

One day when you grow up, won’t it be wonderful to teach your children all about Jesus and read to them the Bible stories. Then your parents can help too and be encouraging grandparents.

 Challenge to Mission

You might know someone who does not have parents or grandparents who can teach them about Jesus – maybe because they are not alive anymore or because they don’t believe. 

Then it is your privilege to tell them and teach them the Gospel. While you are still young you can be a helper like Timothy was. 

Then as you grow up you could maybe even become a preacher.

Next week –encourage the children to wear or bring something purple. They could draw a purple flower, bring a purple flower or bring a scarf or even wear a purple T-shirt if they have. Be sensitive if they are disadvantaged children and don’t ask this of them.


Worksheet. As Christians were first named “Christians” in Antioch, let’s learn this song:

I am a “C”

I am a “CH”


And I’ve got “J” “E”  “ S”  “ U”  “ S”

In my “H”  “E”  “A”  “R” “T” and I will

“L” “I” “V” “E”  “E”  “T” “E” “R” “N” “A” “L”  “L”  “Y”

The children can fill in Timothy’s mother’s name and granny’s name.

Memory Verse

“They strengthened the believers and encouraged them to remain true to the faith.”
Acts 14:22

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