Sunday, 18 March 2018

Year C. 2nd Term. Lesson 2: Parable Series - The gold coins (Talents)

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 25:14-26

Making contact:

You could begin an initiative where the children become entrepreneurs. One way of doing this is asking them what talents they have for making things that could be sold.

In our youth group when I was a teenager we were all given some money from a fund. We then bought material and things to make our products and then sold then and paid back the money into the fund.
I bought crochet cotton and made crosses.

Some of us doubled or tripled the amount we were given. This is known as Talents and it is based on this story. 
For example you buy a packet of clothes pegs and some glue and made them into a rocking chair ornament. Then you could buy more pegs and more glue.


Today’s parable is about a lot of money. A master was going on a long journey and he decided to divide up his money between 3 servants and to ask them to handle it well while he was gone. 

He gave the first servant 5 000 coins, the second servant 2000 coins and the third servant 1 000 coins. The first servant doubled the money by investing it.

And so did the 2nd servant. 

The 3rd servant thought to himself that the master was a tough guy and he would rather better bury the money.

 After a long time the master came back. He was very, very pleased with the first 2 servants. 

He put them in charge of much larger amounts. He was very angry with the 3rd servant who buried the money.  

The master called him bad and lazy and said at least he could have put in straight into the bank and it would have earned some interest. 

He told him to give the money to the first servant, and to throw this useless servant into the darkness where he would cry and grind his teeth.


There are 3 kinds of people in this parable. 

There is the undertaker – what does an undertaker do? He sees to the funeral service and burial of a dead person. In the story the undertaker servant just buried his money.

Secondly there was a caretaker. A caretaker takes good care of the tenant in a building. This servant took good care of the master’s money and the master was pleased.

Then there was the risk taker. This man put himself out and took risks to grow the money. That can be very scary. It is scary to do this kind of Kingdom work – to tell other people about Jesus, to teach Sunday school, to become a minister or a missionary, to sing in a Gospel band or to work on a project for people with aids and HIV.

Jesus has given us all the means to serve Him and grow His Kingdom. We have the wonderful message of the Gospel as well as talents and education, knowledge and other resources to make a difference in this world and to spread the love and light of Jesus to many people.

Some people might do more than others, but what is terribly disappointing to God is people who do absolutely nothing. 

So invest your time, money and energy into God’s Kingdom and watch it grow!

Challenge to Mission

How are you living until Jesus returns?

 What will He find you doing when He comes back?

What are you doing to work for God’s Kingdom? In the Lord’s Prayer we pray: “May Your Kingdom come, may Your will be done.” 

Are you doing God’s will to spread His Word? Are you working in any way to help God in this world or are you just living for yourself and burying the Gospel somewhere in your heart?

Remind the children of the mustard seed parable where the seed grew into a large tree.

If the talent initiative is too big and difficult you could ask the children for one small donation for one of your church’s outreaches. – A bar of soap to give to an outreach for the homeless; a pencil each to give to a literacy outreach.


The worksheet shows the Master and the three men- the risk taker, caretaker and undertaker.

Under a pile of fruit and money the children can fill in what God has given them that He wants them to use. 

E.g. time, good health, talents, brains, skills, money, possessions. (All resources)
They can draw fruit on the memory verse tree and write what they can do for God in the fruit.

Memory Verse

“I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that lasts.” John 15:16

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