Thursday 15 February 2018

Year C. 1st Term. Lesson 7 Parable Series: Unmerciful servant and two debtors

Scripture: for teacher background:  Matthew 18:23-35     and    Luke 7:36-50

 Making contact:

Do foot washing or play a game or do something that introduces the idea of debt, so that the children understand what debt is.


This parable works very well as a play. Get the teachers or the children to act it out. You could build it up as you narrate and tell the actors what to do as you go through the story.

There was once a king who had an official who got into terrible debt. Now in those days, if you got into debt, all your possessions were taken, but if that didn’t cover it then they could make you and your wife and your children become slaves. They sold you on the slave market and got money for people!

You can imagine how this man felt. 
He fell flat on his face before the king and begged and begged him to be patient with him and he would repay him the debt as soon as he could. 
The reply was amazing. He let him off the whole debt, just like that – cancelled everything. Imagine his joy and relief!

You won’t believe what he did next. A junior colleague owed him a few rand. 
He got his hands around his throat and demanded this fellow pay him.
 He begged for mercy, but none came.
 The big “debtor” had the little “debtor thrown in jail!

Well, the king came to hear of this and was furious!
 He said he should have let the man off like he was let off all those millions!

 He had him thrown in jail to be tortured until he could pay his debt in full.

Jesus told this story to show us how God will treat us if we don’t forgive people when He has forgiven us all our sins.

Jesus told the other parable about debtors at a party. 
This party was at Simon the Pharisee’s house. It was all very smart and expensive. 

All the customs are followed and servants scurry about washing people’s feet. 

All the guests are welcomed with a big hug, but not Jesus. Simon waves the servant away and instead of the greeting, he is cold and aloof. Jesus has been rebuffed. 

Simon was trying to demean Jesus – insult Him.

 At the meal, a woman slipped in and started crying at Jesus' feet. 

She then poured a whole bottle of perfume over His feet and she dried His feet with her long hair. All the guests gasped in disgust. 
She was a fallen woman, a sinner. Jesus looked up and smiled at Simon and the other proud guests. 

He told this parable.

There were 2 people who got into debt – one owed 500 silver coins and the other 50. Neither could pay this money and all the debt was cancelled. 

Jesus asked who would love more? 

Simon replied, the one who had been forgiven 500. 

Jesus then went on to explain that Simon hadn’t given Jesus the proper welcome and foot washing, but that this woman had showed a huge amount of love because she wanted to show her huge gratitude at the big amount Jesus had forgiven in her life.

The one, who is forgiven little, loves little, but the one forgiven much, loves much.


Are we truly grateful for what God has done for us? 

This will show in how much we love God and how we treat others

If we truly feel that God loves us and has forgiven all our sins, then we will be overjoyed to thank Him and worship Him, and sing praise songs and coming to church and reading His love letter (the Bible) to us. 

It will all be built on gratitude and love. Our attitude to others will also be gracious. 

We should be as forgiving to others as God has been to us. If people wrong us, we need to forgive, because God forgave us.

This parable is really about how much God loves us and forgives us and that we need to forgive, but it is also a reminder about not getting into debt.

 In our country, many people get into debt and it isn’t the Christian thing to do. The Bible warns against it.

(Borrow money and you are the lender’s slave.  Proverbs 22:7)
It is far better not to have accounts, but to only buy what you can pay for.

 Challenge to Mission

It is very important to forgive anyone that we hold a grudge against. 

If we don’t God cannot forgive us. 
So pray and ask Jesus to help you to forgive the person who has wronged you and if possible go to the person and tell them you have forgiven them.

Our country also needs to forgive the past. We can’t go on blaming other people. Let’s forgive and move forward. Grudges are like cancer – they eat away at us!


The worksheet has the parable in picture form to be coloured in.

 Memory Verse

“Forgive us the wrongs we have done as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.”  Matthew 6:12

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